Monthly Archives: October 2009

Comment posting is now registration-only

Okay, three straight days of anti-Semitic vitriol is about all I can stand at a time. So now, commenters must be registered in order to comment, and, well, sorry. Registration is closed to new users. If you are a regular … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Site news | 3 Comments

The Goldstone Report Kangaroo Court

The UN-Israel follies continue, as the next act in the “Let’s give Israel a fair trial and then find her guilty” show moves from the Human Wrongs Commission to the UN Security Council, where America’s vote can be the difference … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 4 Comments

Israeli Jew wins a Nobel, world boycott movement in shock

Go ahead, world. Boycott Israeli academic institutions. It totally makes sense, because it’s not like Israeli students will grow up to do Nobel-prize winning work or anything like that. Israeli scientist Ada Yonath, 70, was awarded the Nobel Prize for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews | 20 Comments

Jews pray in Jerusalem; Arabs riot

What happens when Jews try to pray at their holy sites in Jerusalem on their holidays? Why, the tolerant Palestinian Muslims try to kill them. And the head of the Palestinian Authority, the ostensible Israeli peace partner, talks about not … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 31 Comments

Why did Israel jail the pregnant woman?

The media likes to boast that they are the “first rough draft of history.” Part of that claim is that they are disinterested parties just reporting the facts as they are. Rafael Broch of Just Journalism had an excellent op-ed … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 14 Comments

Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere #237

Every week we run a blog carnival called Haveil Havalim. It is a collection of the Best Posts of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere. I am pleased to let you know that the 237th edition of the carnival is now live. As … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews | 1 Comment

The lightness of posting

It’s a sinus infection. I have antibiotics and other things. But I have no energy to post. And I have to say, Sarah is a great friend. I am extremly crabby when I’m sick, and she just lets me gripe … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Site news | 3 Comments

Once again on Mahmoud the Mad’s Jewish roots

The story is not, strictly speaking, new. The Jewish roots of so called Mr Ahmadinejad (Saburjian really) have been already discussed earlier this year. Of course, when The Telegraph gets on the subject, the waves are much higher than when … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Iran | 2 Comments

Calling all monster movie fans

I give up. I have no idea what monster the Lego in the fourth picture here is supposed to be. New monster movies are not a favorite genre of mine. I can handle the old 1950s ones, but I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Movies | 5 Comments

A story about Gilad Shalit that does not discuss Gilad Shalit

The Christian Science Monitor, a newspaper that has never been a friend to Israel, carries a story with this headline: Israel’s captured youths: Gilad Shalit and a Palestinian girl with braces You would expect it to be a profile of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Gilad Shalit, alive and well

This is Gilad Shalit, alive and well, as of two weeks ago. This is me, eating my words. Thank God.

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Goldstone leaves many stones unturned

Yaacov Lozowick watched Christiane Amanpour’s interview of Judge Goldstone. (video available) He observed: The second is his comparison of the Israeli judicial system and that of the Hamas: Israel’s is secretive and not reliable. Hamas, on the other hand, has … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | Comments Off on Goldstone leaves many stones unturned

Anatomy of an anti-Israel hit piece

The headline of an AP article earlier today: Israel prepares for battle over war crimes claims The update this afternoon: Israel trying to dodge overseas prosecution The original lead: Oct 1, 7:55 AM (ET) By AMY TEIBEL JERUSALEM (AP) – … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 5 Comments

Sniffly snark news briefs

Colds make me stupid, but they don’t steal my snark. Oh, wait. This one did.

Posted in Life | Comments Off on Sniffly snark news briefs

“Can this trash”

The New York Times has a completely unremarkable account of Tuesday’s proceedings. Apparently neither Dr. Siderer’s testimony nor Cuba’s plea for “freedom of expression” were noteworthy to the Times reporter. Interestingly neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | Comments Off on “Can this trash”