You will not be assimilated; resistance is vital

Occasionally, a little inconvenient truth slips out in a news report. In the case of School dropout high among Palestinian refugees: UN, it’s this:

Lebanese law prevents Palestinian refugees from practising most professions or owning property.

Clearly the article was meant to convey the impression that the world must do something to solve the plight of the Palestinians. But we learn that fellow Arabs – in this case Lebanese – have cut the Palestinians off from their society.

So then why is Sheikh Nasrallah so proud of resistance against Israel?

On the occasion of Hezbollah’s Martyr Day, Nasrallah said Wednesday that while 18 years of Palestinian negotiations with Israelis failed to bring about a free Palestine, the 18 years of Lebanese resistance freed southern Lebanon from the Israeli occupation.

If he’s so concerned about the Palestinians why isn’t Hezbollah making legislative efforts to change Lebanese laws to permit Palestinians to integrate into Lebanese society? But then his own statements aren’t that different from those of a noted “moderate.”

Might I also point out this blatant discrimination doesn’t bother the UN Human Rights Council nearly as much as Israel’s self-defense?

Crossposted on Yourish.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to You will not be assimilated; resistance is vital

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Now, Miss Meryl, Ah’m jest a simple country lawyeh from a simple country law school so maybe some sophisticated person can explain this to me: Israel, which has an Arab minority that is generally not restricted in movement or vocation is an apartheid regime and Lebanon, where Palestinians are forbidden to own land or engage in certain professions, is not?

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