Monthly Archives: November 2009

The ransom of gilad schalit

In an article about the negotiations between Israel and Hamas over the deal to release Gild Schalit, Ethan Bronner of the New York Times quotes a former Israeli official. Yaakov Perry, former head of the Shin Bet internal security agency, … Continue reading

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The Iranian web: Mullahs ascendant

Iran’s president is on a South American tour, hoping to expand Iranian influence. Ahmadinejad’s good relations with Venezuela’s openly anti-American regime are well-known. As well as President Hugo Chavez, the Iranian leader has already nurtured relations with Nicaragua’s President Daniel … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, The One | Tagged | 1 Comment

Monday SNB

Dershowitz turns up the volume on Goldstone: Alan Dershowitz is calling Goldstone a liar and demanding that he show the data on which he based his accusations that the IDF deliberately targeted civilians. I predict that His Narcissist will ignore … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Passive aggressive Abbas

In a perfectly bewildering column Jim Hoagland blames President Obama and Judge Goldstone for undermining Mahmoud Abbas. In It’s up to Netanyahu he writes: No one could accuse President Obama or Judge Richard Goldstone of South Africa of harboring ill … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 4 Comments

The French think that Jerry Lewis is a genius

Yossi Beilin the head of a party Israel that couldn’t garner more than three seats in Knesset, is nonetheless loved in France. He just received the French Legion of Honour. So a failure in his own country, Beilin can now … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Sunday Snark News Briefs

The Protocols of the Mullahs of Islam: Iran is buying UN votes against Israel. So I guess Walt & Mearsheimer will write a sequal called The Muslim Lobby, right? The Protocols of the Elders of Islam? No? What? Iran’s expanding … Continue reading

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You will not be assimilated; resistance is vital

Occasionally, a little inconvenient truth slips out in a news report. In the case of School dropout high among Palestinian refugees: UN, it’s this: Lebanese law prevents Palestinian refugees from practising most professions or owning property. Clearly the article was … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 1 Comment

Saturday funnies

First, we start with a 101-year-old man who bought a brand-new yellow Camaro. Bob Lamb, a nephew who accompanied Mr. Coffman on his visit, said the sales staff at Miles Chevrolet was a bit skeptical of a 101-year-old man who … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Humor | 5 Comments

The problem with pundits

One thing nearly all [anti-]Israel pundits have in common is the sheer inability to access reality. The only villain in the inability to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians is Israel, generally due to settlements, and as a result … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

The perverse equivalence

In a paper on how the term “apartheid” is being used to deny Israel’s right to exist, Robbie Sabel concluces: The Apartheid campaign against Israel has another revealing feature. It rarely deals with the massive abuse of human rights or … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Arab oil money 1, British Israel Lobby 0

The Channel 4 “documentary” on The Israel Lobby, vigorously defended by its authors as not in any way antisemitic, is yet another example of the Israeli Double Standard. The specter of Jewish control over Britain’s politicians is so hideously scary, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


Someone explain to China the meaning of “chutzpah”: China, the current occupier of Tibet, is telling Israel that adding new apartments to Gilo is an obstacle to peace. Because it’s not like they’re not occupying an entire nation that was … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, News Briefs, palestinian politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Negotiating by tantrum

About two weeks ago when Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he was quitting, Daled Amos observed that this less a dramatic announcement than standard operating procedure noting 14 times that he has threatened to quit since 2003. This isn’t an … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 4 Comments

The obstacles to peace

Settlements, the conventional wisdom says, are the true obstacles to peace in the Middle East. Not Palestinian intransigence. Not the fact that the Palestinians have been split into two groups—Hamas and the Palestinian Authority—for years. Not the fact that if … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Terrorism | Comments Off on The obstacles to peace

Wednesday SNB

Ship with armed security team prevents hijacking: Wow, having armed security agents on board to fight off armed pirates stopped the pirates cold. Armed guards prevent piracy? Who woulda thunk it? And the pirates may very well be lost at … Continue reading

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