Monthly Archives: November 2009

Passively described aggression

In some ways there’s little to quibble with in Howard Schneider’s To two faiths, a holy patch of land; to the world, a powder keg in the Washington Post. It begins: It is one of the most watched pieces of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Palin on “settlements”

Israel Matzav observes about a recent American criticism of Jewish construction in Gilo – that’s part of Jerusalem. Obama’s not going to let up on this, but given the broad consensus within Israel, I doubt Israelis are going to yield … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 8 Comments

Cop and cat

This is an utterly hilarious video of a cop trying to do his job, and a cat determined to use the cop as a tree. Articleis here. Note that the officer was not hurting the cat, just herding it. Or … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Of drones and doctrines

Given the acknowledgment in Sunday’s Washington Post editorial that the guidelines for asymmetrical warfare are lacking, there are two recent stories of note. The first is from the National that describes the American efforts against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged | 4 Comments

Tuesday SNB

Israeli Double Standard Time: The AP kept using qualifiers like “Israel says” when covering the 500 tons of weapons discovered on a ship headed for Hezbullah. But there’s no problem whatsoever quoting Iranian newspapers as truthful sources when it comes … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

Three cheers for the Washington Post

Yesterday the Washington Post editorialized in War Unchecked (h/t Prof Avi Bell): IN ORDER to eliminate the Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, the United States launched at least 15 missile strikes in Pakistan this year and killed, besides Mr. Mehsud, somewhere … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 4 Comments

The latest Palestinian obfuscation: Unilateralism

Unilateralism is bad when Israel practices it. Go read back a few years to hear the left shrieking about Ariel Sharon withdrawing from Gaza unilaterally, instead of working with the PA (or at least, pretending to work with them so … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | 3 Comments

Birthday bang

For the past few years, I’ve tried to do things on my birthday that I haven’t done before, or that challenge me, or that make me feel younger. So today, I went, as Sarah likes to put it, “Shooty-bang-bang.” I … Continue reading

Posted in Guns | 15 Comments

Doggie day

Hot Air links to one of these videos, but hey, you should watch them all. Soldiers’ reunions with their pets, and with their kids. Have a tissue or three handy if you watch the kids one.

Posted in American Scene | Comments Off on Doggie day

David Irving’s website and email hacked

It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Holocaust denier and libel lawsuit loser David Irving was hacked to pieces yesterday. H/T: Mike S. Hackers Post Private E-mails of Historian and Accused Holocaust Denier A group identifying themselves as “anti-fascist hackers” … Continue reading

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I am not a schnook

In Context observed about Judge Goldstone: There’s something horrifying about the amount of damage that a slight to one man’s ego can do. I’m well aware that there was more to the Goldstone report than that, but nevertheless it appears … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments

The wilful blindness of Richard Goldstone

Richard Goldstone has responded to Shimon Peres’ criticism in typical fashion—by insisting that no matter what people say, his report was fair and balanced. Peres was quoted Wednesday as calling Goldstone “a small man, devoid of any sense of justice, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Comments Off on The wilful blindness of Richard Goldstone

Roger Cohen: about hinges and lack thereof

I have no doubt that all of you followed with bated breath the Iranian odyssey of the NYT grand vizier Roger Cohen. Well, if you didn’t, here is a reminder. So enamored was our jolly Roger with the regime, that … Continue reading

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Ye olde grievance shoppe

It’s hard to match the title A Chronicle of Gaza, in Kitsch Form with the opening paragraph: “I can offer you a discount on the headbands,” said Tareq Abu Dayyeh, souvenir-store owner. “They’re just like the kind used by suicide … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

A handy guide to German and Israeli walls

Since there are so many idiots out there who cannot tell the difference between the Berlin Wall and Israel’s security fence, here’s a handy guide to tell the difference. This post is dedicated to the anti-Semitic morons like Steve Bell, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments