Monthly Archives: November 2009

The audacity of nope

In an excellent op-ed, Steve Huntley gives a synopsis of how the Obama administration botched the Middle East. Enter Obama. Rather than adopting a go-slow, build-on-the-past approach to a fragile situation, he did it his way — with a speech. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Quick, we need a commission, a resolution and a condemnation; I see collective punishment

Summarizing the resolution passed by the UN Human Rights farce Council, UN-Truth writes: The resolution endorsed the recommendations in the Goldstone report, and recommended that the UN General Assembly “consider” the report in its current session (which lasts until late … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 1 Comment

Happy Veterans Day

And a great big thanks to all of our veterans, and to those serving in America’s armed forces today.

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Wednesday SNB

DC Sniper snipes no more: Funny how no one manages to mention the words “Muslim,” “jihad,” or “Islamic” in all the news stories about Muhammed’s execution. And let us all say: Buh-bye! Wake me when they issue a UNSC resolution: … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 3 Comments

French FM is shocked, shocked that Israeli left is no longer gullible

As always, instead of blaming the arms-smuggling, terror-attacking, missile-launching Palestinians for the lack of peace in Israel, the French foreign minister is putting the blame squarely on—the Israelis. And what bothers him the most? The Israeli left finally wised up … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | 5 Comments

“Disproportionate force”

The Goldstone Commission uses the term “disproportionate force” five times in describing the Israeli war against Hamas. It uses the term “proportional” or “proportionality,” 22 times. Let’s check out the use of “disproportionate force.” 62. The tactics used by Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 5 Comments

Do-it-yourself post

I have very little time to post today. I’m back on my regular work schedule, which means trips up to NorVA, and, well, work is kinda busy right now. (And I’m up for review, so since I’m in one of … Continue reading

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Degrees of cluelessness

JudeoPundit excerpts a bit of Moshe Halberthal’s critique of the Goldstone report: In addressing this vexing issue, the Goldstone Report uses a rather strange formulation: “While reports reviewed by the Mission credibly indicate that members of the Palestinian armed groups … Continue reading

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An unworthy hack

The New York Times had a symposium on Mahmoud Abbas’s resignation. Three of the participants, Rashid Khalidi, Fawaz Gerges, and Daoud Kuttab took the approach that Abbas had his authority undermined by the Americans and has no partner among Israelis … Continue reading

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Monday Snark News Briefs

I do not think that word means what you think it means: The Turkish Prime Minister says he’d be more comfortable talking to the Sudanese president responsible for the genocide in Darfur than he would be talking to Israeli PM … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Terrorism | 4 Comments

AP finds a shooter they can label terrorist

The AP can’t call the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist, in spite of there now being evidence that he attended the same mosque as the 9/11 terrorists, held anti-American views, and talked about jihad. And now we have word that … Continue reading

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You must not generalize

Remember when Stuart Nozette was arrested last month, that the Washington Post reported: Nozette’s actions could be misinterpreted in ways that damage American impressions of Jews or provoke an overreaction that divides Americans. Well actually the Post didn’t include any … Continue reading

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Tom Friedman urges Bush policy on Israel

Looks like even Tom Friedman has discovered that the secret to Middle East peacemaking isn’t the Obama Way: This peace process movie is not going to end differently just because we keep playing the same reel. It is time for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

When you’re serious about the Middle East, stop living in the past

Thomas Freidman, today relives one of his greatest hits on Israel. In an op-ed entitled “Call White House, Ask for Barack,” Friedman writes: Today, the Arabs, Israel and the Palestinians are clearly not feeling enough pain to do anything hard … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 2 Comments

The vast American anti-Muslim backlash

You know, I really don’t care about the news today. I’m going to be busy going out and looking for some Muslims to backlash. US Homeland Security officials are working with groups around United States to head off any possible … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Religion, Terrorism | 5 Comments