Monthly Archives: November 2009

Hezbollah offended by—Anne Frank’s diary

It’s not anti-Semitism. They like Jews. Honest they do. Just look how much they like Jews: Anne Frank’s diary has been censored out of a school textbook in Lebanon following a campaign by the terror group Hezbollah claiming the classic … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Cooties, Lebanon | 8 Comments

Let that be your last apple pie

Do you figure that on better days on Cheron, Lokai and Bele would have eaten this? Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

Posted in Television | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Boycotting Israeli universities: A self-imposed death sentence

Norway’s second-largest university is considering boycotting Israeli academics. And if they do, here is what they will be boycotting: Israeli scientists have identified a substance that can kill cancerous cells without harming healthy ones, paving the way for more effective … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | 8 Comments

Richard Goldstone: Utterly clueless

The impression I came away with last night after watching the Gold-Goldstone debate at Brandeis is how utterly clueless Goldstone is about, well, everything. He seems dumbfounded that people don’t agree with him one hundred percent. He seems astonished that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Goldstone’s telling remark

In his debate with Dr. Dore Gold last night, Judge Richard Goldstone made a very telling remark. Goldstone also revealed a personal aspect. “I was afraid to enter Gaza. I had nightmares that Hamas would kidnap me and that the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Gaza ERA watch

Say, folks, it’s true: Islam is totally a feminist religion. Why, just look at what Hamas is going to do in Gaza! Hamas authorities on Thursday asked several educational institutions in southern Gaza Strip to segregate males and females in … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza, Religion | 4 Comments

Jihad in Fort Hood

There’s been a mass murder in Fort Hood, Texas, and it’s looking a lot like jihad. A U.S. Army major opened fire on fellow soldiers Thursday in the heart of the giant Fort Hood Army base in central Texas, killing … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Gold vs. Goldstone

Thursday at five. This is my reminder post. You can watch a webcast from Brandeis, live, at the link.

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

The Francop affair aftermath

The considerable quantity of weaponry fished recently by our navy in Mediterranean is resting on dry land in the port of Ashdod, but the waves made by it are still churning. Our media is milking the story for what it … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

No evidence

In regards to whether UN has proof that Iran is smuggling arms to Hezbollah, after the Israeli capture of an Iranian ship bound for Lebanon, Yaacov Lozowick makes the mischievous observation: Try to imagine what the world would be like … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Snarkly, briefly, Israeli

Leftist Jewish group nobody ever heard of to Israel: Stop demanding that the Goldstone Report include actual, unbiased facts! Oh, this one’s rich. Hundreds of Jews have signed a letter telling Israel and the worldwide Jewish community to stop “vilifying” … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

IDF commandos thwart Iranian arms shipment to Syria

The IDF is showing Iran that Israel has a very long reach. Commandos took control of a ship carrying weapons for Syria and Hezbollah. An Israeli Navy commando force seized control over a suspicious vessel in the early hours of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Goldstone commission report is not flawed

Judge Richard Goldstone has repeatedly referred to his commission’s finding 36 incidents during Israel’s war against Hamas to investigate. Augean Stables has studied the report and identified the 36 incidents. The Augean Stables observes: In other words, we didn’t look … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Goldstone commission report is not flawed

The election post-mortem

The Chicago Way spreads to Senate Dem races: Or, “Nice seat you have there. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to it.” and its sister and brother liberal groups are threatening moderate Democrats that they’re on their own come election … Continue reading

Posted in News Briefs, Politics | Comments Off on The election post-mortem

The Arab Lobby: Stronger than the Israel Lobby

So, if the Israel lobby is so strong, how is it that the Arabs got Hillary Clinton to back off her praise for Israel not once, but twice? Why did she soften her praise of Netanyahu’s efforts to reach a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Comments Off on The Arab Lobby: Stronger than the Israel Lobby