Monthly Archives: December 2009

What’s there to debate?

The headline and tone of this “news analysis,” Tough Military Stance Stirs Little Debate in Israel the New York Times is baffling. What is there to debate? If the doctrine is effective it’s working. The idea that an idea must … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 2 Comments

T minus one day – one year ago

Israel Completes Preparations for Gaza Offensive Amid Continuing Rocket Fire – Mark LavieIsrael wrapped up preparations for a broad offensive in the Gaza Strip Thursday after Palestinians fired about 100 rockets and mortar shells across the border in two days. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | Comments Off on T minus one day – one year ago

Unspinning the anti-Israel spin

If you read only the wire services, you wouldn’t understand exactly why the IDF killed three terrorists in the West Bank early this morning. Allow me to show you the depths to which the AP falls to justify the murderers, … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Lazy day/Christmas open thread

If you’re Jewish and not working for your Christian coworkers today, here’s an open thread for you. If you’re Christian and home for the holiday, or sneaking on your relative’s computer for your blogging fix, here’s an open thread for … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Work | 2 Comments

A present for me!

It’s sheer accident, but this picture of Tig in my boot box is actually Christmas-y. So merry Christmas to my Christian readers, and no, you can’t have it. This one’s mine. In fact, I think I feel a song coming … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Holidays | 3 Comments

Jimmy Carter’s non-apology apology.

The Jimmy Carter apology is deeply suspicious and seems utterly insincere. In order for a person to receive forgiveness for his actions, he needs to atone for them. There is no atonement, as can be seen in his anti-Israel op-ed … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 8 Comments

The Turkey-Syria lovefest (and Israel hatefest)

You have to read between the lines to really appreciate what the Turkish Prime Minister is saying at this press conference. The Bashar Assad stuff, well, it’s standard Bashar bullshit. The man responsible for the iron-fisted control over Lebanon, the … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Lebanon, Syria | Tagged | 3 Comments

It’s the most Jew-hating time of the year

When last we left the anti-Semitic bastards in Moldova, they were tearing down a Hanukkah menorah, sprinkling holy water on the site, and putting up a cross. Now, we discover, it’s all the Jews’ fault that they had to do … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 7 Comments

A Palestinian state: when?

As I noted yesterday, Barry Rubin published a timely essay recalling how the Palestinian blew a chance to prevent Israel from ever existing – 70 years ago. I didn’t think it required any further comment. But then I read something, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments


What, no articles about how Hamas is killing Christmas? That’s okay, the world media will spin this anti-Israel. Three hundred Christians are leaving Gaza to go to Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas. Huh. I didn’t know there were that many Christians … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Iran’s cat’s paw

When I first read this analysis of Lebanese President Sa’ad Hariri’s trip to Syria, Lebanon Drama Adds Act With Leader’s Trip to Syria , I was astonished by its anodyne language. After all what was being described was the capitulation … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Syria | Tagged | Comments Off on Iran’s cat’s paw

Tuesday real-life snarks

Apology not accepted: Jimmy Carter thinks that an apology will make up for his years of anti-Israel propaganda. Stop calling Israel an “apartheid” state, stop calling the security fence an “apartheid” fence, stop blaming Israel for all of the region’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

Snarky even in my dreams

You know, even in my nightmares, it seems, I can’t put away the snark. Last night, I was dreaming that I and several other people inadvertently witnessed a Mob hit. The gunman saw me, and started after me. So of … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Life | 3 Comments

The new, transparent Congress votes on bills in the dead of night

The new, transparent Congress, the most ethical Congress ever according to Nancy Pelosi, voted on the cloture bill to the health care amendment while America slept. My healthcare costs will double if this abomination goes through, and millions of uninsured … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Politics | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Lessons of Auschwitz

Polish police found the infamous “Work makes free” sign, cut into three pieces and apparently ready to be fenced in the burgeoning market for Nazi memorabilia. The perpetrators were arrested, and seem to be ordinary thieves. The suspects have not … Continue reading

Posted in World | 2 Comments