Monthly Archives: December 2009

Surprised kitten

Via Glenn Reynolds, a few seconds of amusing adorability to get your mind off the world’s problems. (It’s a little less treacly with the mute button on.)

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 1 Comment

Your Tuesday morning snark

Because it’s not like the UN hasn’t passed any anti-Israel resolutions, ever: Mahmoud Abbas thinks it’s time for another anti-Israel resolution. Why? Because the man who refuses to sit down and negotiate with Israel until all of the Palesitnian conditions … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel | 4 Comments

Solipsistic foreign policy

Twenty six years ago, Charles Krauthammer wrote an essay for Time Magazine Deep down were all alike, right? Wrong. In it he explained a psychological concept: Solipsism is the belief that the whole world is me, and as Mathematician Martin … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment