The double standard on Sudanese refugees

So that item in the AP that kept changing its text on the Egyptian border police murdering African migrants trying to sneak into Israel? Well, they changed it again in the latest iteration. But of course, there was the implicit blaming of Israel, because it must somehow be because Israel wanted Egypt to tighten border patrols that is causing the Egyptians to shoot African migrants in the back.

Israel requested Egypt tighten its border patrols. Amnesty International says Egyptian security forces have killed 39 people, mostly Sudanese and Eritreans, trying to cross into Israel between 2008 to mid-2009. More updated figures were not immediately available. Both countries have been criticized by human rights groups for their approach to the problem.

You gotta love the part in bold. Israel has been criticized for not accepting more African migrants, or for keeping them imprisoned, but it’s just the same as, say, Egyptian border guards murdering 39 innocent men, women, and children over an 18-month period.

Did I remember to mention that they frequently shoot these people in the back?

According to the soldier, female IDF troops operating night vision devices identified several refugees approaching the border in an attempt to infiltrate Israel and alerted other soldiers who arrived after a few minutes in an army jeep.

However, Egyptian troops who also discovered the refugees, fired upon them, immediately killing two and wounding a third. A fourth refugee ran towards the fence and an IDF soldier stretched out his hands, trying to help him cross.

At that point, the soldier recalled, two Egyptian soldiers arrived and started pulling at the refugee’s legs.

I remind you that there is no UN resolution condemning Egypt for murdering African refugees as they try to flee to a better life. But there are dozens and dozens of resolutions concerning the Palestinians. What time is it, folks? Of course, it’s Israeli Double Standard Time. But don’t worry, it only occurs on days that end with a “y”.

By the way, the latest iteration has the same text, but a new headline:

Israel to build two massive fences on Egyptian border to keep out migrants, militants

Because this one

Israel to build 2 fences on porous Egyptian border

just wasn’t slanted enough against Israel.

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