There’s very little I don’t like about Scottie the Hottie, and listening to his victory speech makes me like him even more.
I called the election yesterday, the moment I saw that James Zogby had Coakley up by one. That was the clincher for me. Zogby’s never right.
Brown is talking right now about not giving terrorists the same rights Americans get. I have to say, treating them as war criminals works for me.
And again, I am struck by the way I never, ever hear a chant of “USA” at a Democratic event.
Scott Brown is a vibrant, exciting speaker. This many may very well have a future beyond Massachusetts. After all, what kind of experience did Obama have when he started his run for the presidency? Hm. State senator, U.S. senator—why, that would be exactly the experience Brown will have by the time 2012 rolls around.
Let’s see how this plays out.
Scott Brown: He won the people’s seat.
eh, the Obama comparison is apt, as Brown is something of an empty suit (sorry). As far as his
national prospects go, he is no Eric Cantor (I’m not sure *anyone* is).
I looked at the results summary by jurisdiction last night and the higher the turnout, the greater Scott Brown’s lead (in percentage points) against whats-her-name.
is he Jewish by chance?
Nope. But he’s a friend of Israel as well. So good on him.