Monthly Archives: January 2010

Monday morning snarks

It’s the Chicago Way: Obama’s now trying to bribe the middle class. Hell, it worked to get him 60 votes for the Obamacare crap sandwich, why wouldn’t he think it will work on us? (P.S. to Obama: Who’s going to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Politics, Terrorism, The One | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Sunday night sore muscle thread

It was bright and sunny yesterday, although cold, and so I went to Sarah and Larry’s house to practice lacrosse with Nate because it was supposed to rain today. And you know, at my age, my muscles don’t recover as … Continue reading

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Goldstone and 1701

Today’s NYT reports Israel Poised to Challenge a U.N. Report on Gaza : Israel, which had refused to cooperate with the investigation, at first dismissed the report as unworthy of attention. But the government quickly found that the world took … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, United Nations | Tagged , | Comments Off on Goldstone and 1701

AP trying to mainstream “teabagger”

The Associated Press is proud of its reputation. When you go to the AP website, this sentence starts the second paragraph in the “About us” page: AP’s mission is to be the essential global news network, providing distinctive news services … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, AP Media Bias, Politics | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Non-representative ambivalence

Ethan Bronner has a misleading article about Israel’s rescue efforts in Haiti, For Israelis, Mixed Feelings on Aid Effort While the article points to a few op-eds expressing pride at Israel’s efforts (and dismay at the worldn’t cynical criticisms of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 8 Comments

Friday briefs

I’m not even going to bother pointing out the anti-Israel spin. Really. The whole article blames the failure of the peace process entirely on Israel. It’s not worth parsing. Compare and contrast, Obama version: Let’s take a look at why … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, News Briefs, Terrorism, The One | Tagged , | 1 Comment


Ew, Jew Cooties, Part 2: Toldja so. The Iranian is denying touching an Israeli. It’s just a Zionist lie, you see. He never shook hands with a filthy Jew Zionist.Hey, it’s more than just his job at stake. In Mad … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jew Cooties, News Briefs, Terrorism | 4 Comments

The Landes Report

Prof Richard Landes has a two part article critiquing the Goldstone report at the MERIA Journal. In part one Landes mostly criticizes Goldstone’s assumptions an methodology. As might be expected from this attitude toward the testimony they heard, the report … Continue reading

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A porous blockade

In an article about Israel’s partial closure of Gaza, Jeffrey Goldberg observes that there’s a lack of background provided by Reuters. What else is missing from this description? Israel “left” Gaza in 2005. Then what happened? Did Gaza take the … Continue reading

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The Massachusetts Message: Fanfare from the common man

One of the reasons Scott Brown plowed over Martha Coakley in his pickup truck on Tuesday is because the signals coming from Washington and the media are all about how Americans are too stupid, too uneducated, too ignorant, or too … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

Wednesday briefs

Uh-oh—Jew cooties will cost this man his job: An Iranian shook an Israeli’s hand at a trade fair. How long before he a) declares he never touched a Jew or b) resigns? (My money says as long as it takes … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Jew Cooties, News Briefs, Religion | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Haiti: virtue exposing vice

Akiva Eldar in Ha’aretz: But the remarkable identification with the victims of the terrible tragedy in distant Haiti only underscores the indifference to the ongoing suffering of the people of Gaza. Only a little more than an hour’s drive from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 4 Comments

The water libel: Zionists flooding Gaza to drown Palestinians

When you (an Elder, I mean) relax for a moment and think that you can have a rest from your daily quota of dirty deeds, it appears that another Elders’ department has written a new page in the ever-growing book … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Scott Brown, Junior Senator from Massachusetts

There’s very little I don’t like about Scottie the Hottie, and listening to his victory speech makes me like him even more. I called the election yesterday, the moment I saw that James Zogby had Coakley up by one. That … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 4 Comments

Rachel’s tomb and the protection of Jewish holy sites

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977. Part IV : Civilian population #Section I — General protection against effects of hostilities … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 3 Comments