Monthly Archives: January 2010

Election Day Snarks

The One may not be questioned: Tone deaf does not describe the Obama administration. I think the word we’re looking for is hubris. Because not only is Obama going to ignore a Republican victory in Massachusetts, but he’s going to … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Politics, Religion, The One | 2 Comments

Go, Scott, go!

Good luck Scott Brown. Say, notice how he’s not using a Teleprompter? I’m rooting for you, Scott!

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The evening political snarks

Obama: The Musical. Yes, really. In Germany, but the songs are in English. And judging by the excerpts, it, uh, sucks. Sure, I may be a bit biased, but really—these are not songs that will leave you humming as you … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, The One, United Nations, World | 6 Comments

A surprising skill

On Saturday, I stopped by Sarah’s house after services to pick up Jake, who was due for some one-on-one time with Aunt Meryl. Our projects for the weekend: To find two missing items in a bunch of clutter, a postcard … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Monday morning sniefs

(Snark briefs) The passing of a righteous woman: Miep Gies, the woman who helped shelter Anne Frank and who saved her diary from the Nazis, died last week. She did not think she was a hero. “Imagine young people would … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Holocaust, Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Extremist in Egypt, teacher in London, what else are you, Reza Pankhurst?

The name of Reza Pankhurst reached the headlines in 2002, when he and his friends were arrested by Egyptian police. Dr Waheed said businessman Mr Pankhurst, student Mr Nawaz and Mr Nisbett, an English convert to Islam who was studying … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Religion, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Danny Glover is a bigger idiot than Pat Robertson

Just when you think you can’t find someone even dumber in Hollywood, out comes this gem from Danny Glover: Actor Danny Glover says the earthquake in Haiti is a result of global warming. Glover told GRITtv that it could have … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Pop Culture | 5 Comments

A Jewish Blog Carnival

It is that time again. Haveil Havalim, the weekly blog carnival of the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere is now live. Go check it out. It is chock full of good stuff to read.

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Saturday night open thread

Sorry, but it’s been a busy day, and my nephew Jake is over. Say, the movie remake of Get Smart wasn’t bad. In fact, it was pretty good. We laughed throughout. I didn’t see it in the movies because I … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Television | 3 Comments

Conversations with Sarah

These are some of the things that come out in my conversations with Sarah. Sometimes she says them. Sometimes I say them. Sometimes they’re the product of both of our twisted minds. Yeah, that’s why I love cats. They’re the … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

There’s a kind of snark all over the world

Because Haiti doesn’t have enough disasters already: Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the exiled former president(for life) of Haiti, says he can’t wait to get back to Haiti and rebuild the country. Sure. Because he did such a great job while he was … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, The One, World | 4 Comments

Nighttime briefs

Interpreting the Times, so you don’t have to. Shorter Gail Collins: If only ten percent get to dictated American policy, then by Gaia, it had better be the ten percent that the elites (David Brooks’ “educated class“) are in! Smells … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel, Lebanon, Politics, Terrorism | 4 Comments


The internet turns women into psychos! Yes, really. I read it on the internet, so it has to be true. Can we tell Turkey to eff off now? So Danny Ayalon apologizes to the Turkish ambassador, and that should be … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion, World | 1 Comment

Fluffy kitty post

And now, a relaxing post for the rest of the day. I call this one “Peek-a-Tig.” Today was a rough day for Tig and Gracie. I had FIOS installed, so Verizon Guy was in the house, upstairs and down, making … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 3 Comments

Pat Robertson is an idiot

Really. Televangelist Pat Robertson said today during a broadcast on his Christian Broadcasting Network that quake-ravaged Haiti made a “pact to the devil.” “And so the devil said, ‘OK, it’s a deal,’” Robertson said. “And they kicked the French out, … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, World | 16 Comments