Monthly Archives: February 2010

Goldstone facts: when the messenger is the message

When I have first looked at the site that carries on its masthead a proud statement “Goldstone facts”, after browsing its main page and several links I became uncomfortable. I was unable to dispose of a feeling that someone went … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | Tagged | 6 Comments

As persistent as they wanna be

If the UN has been persistent in pursuing the Goldstone Report, it hasn’t been as scrupulous in a different matter. Michael Young complains about the U.N.’s betrayal in Beirut. Five years ago former Lebanese President Rafiq Hariri was killed. Half … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The extended day of rest post

Sorry, folks, but I am out of outrage today. That sinus infection that I’ve had all week is still hanging on, and I’m using my holiday to rest up some more.

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

The administration’s Goldstone omission

Benny Avni writing about the Goldstone Hustle in the New York Post concludes: If Goldstone’s tactics succeed, future imitators will surely build cases for “war crimes” in Iraq, Afghanistan or Yemen. Indeed, the ICC’s top prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, has already … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, The One | Tagged , | 2 Comments


When I’m downstairs at the computer, Tig needs to be nearby. Sometimes he sleeps on one of the other kitchen chairs. Sometimes he sleeps in the living room in my chair, getting the throw covered with cat hair. And sometimes, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

I have weird friends

This is my friend Neil, whom I met, oh, twenty-some years ago. This picture got linked by BoingBoing and Instapundit. This is the backstory on his wife’s blog. And this is another example of my crazy friend, an obvious homage … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Life | 4 Comments

Afternoon funny

Jon Stewart on the Iranian space program.

Posted in Humor, Iran, Television | 2 Comments

The denier’s denials

Last week, Der Spiegel interviewed Mahmoud Abba, president of the Palestinian Authority. (h/t Bookworm Room) The way the interview was presented was with a question: how many lies did Abbas tell? I didn’t go over the interview with a fine … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Famous Jew-hater to Israel: Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

Jenny Tonge, one of the most famous Jew-haters in Britain, is demanding that Israel prove its innocence by launching an inquiry into rumors that Israelis were harvesting organs in Haiti. What evidence does she cite (besides her own Palestine Telegraph, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn | 11 Comments

Snowy Calvinism

In honor of the east coast’s recent deluge of snow, Transterrestial Musings points out a relevant collection of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. Some people were inspired to follow Calvin’s lead. I suppose I could do without the red food coloring. … Continue reading

Posted in Blasts from the past, Pop Culture | Tagged | Comments Off on Snowy Calvinism

Sun worshipping

Gracie loves the sun; the sun loves Gracie. Worship me, they both say.

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Time out from world events

I am truly not up for all the bad news of the world posting. I could tell you that I cannot for the life of me remove a tune from “Annie” out of my head. It’s been there for weeks. … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Pop Culture | 3 Comments

Liveblogging the Iranian protests

Here is one site that is constantly updating. And here’s another. That Iranian punch may be to the Mad Mullahs faces, not the West.

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Anti-Semitism now caused by Canadians supporting Israel

Okay, to review: Anti-Semitism is caused by Israel’s actions. Anti-Semitism is caused by Jews behaving badly. Anti-Semitism is caused by Jews refusing to convert to other religions or acknowledge the supercession of said religions. And now, apparently, anti-Semitism is caused … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Goldstone co-author: Conviction first, then trial

If you still have any doubt about the anti-Israel bias of the Goldstone report, this might be the convincing evidence you need to completely disregard the Goldstone report. A co-author of the Goldstone Gaza report, which accuses both Hamas and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 4 Comments