Monthly Archives: February 2010

Wednesday snow snarks

The blame-Israel reflex strikes again: Of course the PA will respond to charges of corruption and video evidence of sexual misconduct by PA officials as an Israeli conspiracy to make them look bad. Because that’s what people will believe. Remember, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, News Briefs, palestinian politics, Pop Culture | Comments Off on Wednesday snow snarks

Tuesday crabby snarks

I am crabby today. Because I am sick. I’m going to take it out by being snarky. Oh. Wait. I do that every day. Well, I’m going to be EXTRA snarky today. Let the popular uprising begin: Awesome! Hamas didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Jew Cooties, News Briefs | 5 Comments

It’s the I’m Bored So I Think I’ll Put Up A Post Post

Except I think I shoulda posted that to my Facebook wall.

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I’m m-e-e-lt-i-n-g

This wasn’t so difficult. The icicle was melting pretty quickly and new droplets were forming in quick succession. I didn’t have to time the shot, I just had to click, and was pretty much assured of catching a drop dripping. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

We the elite of the United States of America…

The media elite can’t even get their history right, but that doesn’t stop them from harping on the theme-of-the-week, which is that America would be so much better off if it wasn’t for that damned democracy. The tea-party movement takes … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Politics | 1 Comment

I always hated Monopoly anyway

Seriously, it’s one of my least favorite games, ever. I only played it as a kid if my brother swore to play Careers afterward, because I hate Monopoly, suck at it, usually lose, and think it’s a boring game that … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene | 1 Comment

Things I learned at the doctor’s this morning

Going to Patient First when it opens is faster than seeing my regular doctor. Patient First is one-stop shopping if you don’t need an exotic prescription. I am still five-three. I am still down seven pounds from my highest-ever weight … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments

The New York Times IDF non-controversy

The readers of The New York Times are outraged that Ethan Bronner, the Times’ Jerusalem Bureau chief, has a son who enlisted in the IDF. It’s a clear conflict of interest, they say. The New York Times public editor thinks … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 4 Comments

The great Gracie rescue

A few minutes ago, I heard Gracie calling me. She does that quite a lot. She is under the impression that she can stand upstairs and yowl, and I will come running upstairs to pet her. As this almost never … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

The I Don’t Watch the Superbowl open thread

Although I did catch a few minutes of the old farts singing those 1960s songs made popular by the group formerly known as The Who. “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” and Obama in the audience. Shyeah.

Posted in American Scene | Comments Off on The I Don’t Watch the Superbowl open thread

Sunday Snarks

Israel, you’re goin’ down! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Khameini said that “with God’s help,” Israel would disappear. Well, then. We’ve got nothing to worry about, because I’m pretty sure God isn’t that Allah dude. The sky is falling, Jordanian style: Yet … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Comments Off on Sunday Snarks

Well, he is a MAINE coon cat

Tig wanted to check out the snow. Look: Tigger tracks! Aha! The culprit! Let’s wander around and check things out. Time to come back inside. Ah, much warmer. Snow? I have snow on me? Says who?

Posted in Cats | 10 Comments

Best of The Jewish/lsraeli Blogosphere

It is that time again, the Best of the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere. The current edition was assembled by my fellow co-blogger Snoopy: Haveil Havalim #255: post – Groundhog Day edition When you are finished with that you might enjoy a little … Continue reading

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Oh, the weather outside is frightful

But the TV is so delightful. And since there’s no place to go, I think I’ll catch up on my shows. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. Also, if you want to see the blizzard that’s hitting DC, go here.

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

Funniest weather report ever

Sarah sent me this link to a weather report that you will definitely want to put down your drink for. Spit-monitor warning. Update: Here’s the video on YouTube. That link was to the original forecast. Update 2: Apparently, this is … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 10 Comments