A note to the blowhards in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran

The Axis of Stooges that met in Damascus a few weeks ago and subsequently issued threats of Israel’s death and destruction probably will not like to hear that Israeli high school students are choosing combat service over noncombat service positions at a record rate. So much so that the IDF has to balance out the noncombat needs with the combat needs.

Some 76% of new army recruits with combat qualifications want to serve in field units according to Ground Forces data collected ahead of the March round of enlistment to commence next week.

IDF elements are pleased with the record number but admit that the situation causes a problem in manning non-combat positions. “We are starting to look for solutions in order to find the right balance in manpower assignment,” a senior Ground Forces officer said.

Every so often you read a jeremiad about how Israel’s youth don’t want to serve in the IDF, that Israel’s morale is down, that Israelis are a doomed people thinking they live in a doomed land.

Shyeah. And then you read the truth, which is quite the opposite. Am Yisrael chai.

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