A note on the healthcare process

Don’t forget to call and email your senators. They’re going to vote on reconciliation if the House passes the bill today.

I just emailed Webb and Warner for the second time, reminding them that I will remember, every November, who voted for and against the healthcare bill.

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One Response to A note on the healthcare process

  1. long_rifle says:


    I guess we all had sex today. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Because -I- didn’t.

    It’s a good thing I spent a few hours at the range today. Sending several .30 caliber bullets downrange into nearly the same hole is rather soothing. And I needed all the soothing I could get. Now a few hours of cleaning, and several more reloading, and I’ll be ready for more range time next week.

    Hope everyone else did something to relax today.

    November is coming. Start networking NOW.

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