
If it’s Monday, it’s time for another Palestinian whitewash from the AP: Wow, look! A Palestinian crusading against corruption! It’s almost as if the Abbas government isn’t continuing the Arafat tradition of stealing billions in aid and hiding them in Swiss bank accounts. Meantime, no story about the kassam rockets fired over the weekend. Quel surprise.

Liar, liar, pants on fire: How Hillary Clinton can say these words and not have her nose grow a foot is beyond me.

“For President (Barack) Obama, for me, and for this entire administration, our commitment to Israel’s security and Israel’s future is rock solid,” Clinton said.

Uh-huh. As long as Israel does exactly what Rashid Khalidi’s best bud says it should do. Say, how about we get to see that tape, L.A. Times reporter? He’s been elected now. I’d love to see what he said.

Israelis say: Build, baby, build! Compare this poll to any poll of the Palestinians, and you will see who the real obstacles to peace are. Israelis say building in east Jerusalem is fine, and they also say a two-state solution, with land swaps, is good. What’s the percentage of Palestinians who want peace with Israel now? Has it reached 25% yet?

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2 Responses to Briefly

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Support for Israel is “rock solid” – Rock solid for Israel suicide.

  2. anon says:

    How comforting this must be to the Israelis. Next we will hear that the Administration is 1000% behind Israel. And soon after a Democrat says that … the relationship is ended. I’m thinking that searching “McGovern Eagleton” will demonstrate that.

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