
The British Dubai hissy fit: The Brits can’t prove the Mossad stole their dual citizens’ IDs, but they’re throwing out an Israeli diplomat anyway. Of course they are. They have to protect their Arabist credentials. This is, after all, the country that made an oil deal with Libya after releasing the Lockerbie bomber, the country whose former Prime Minister is making hundreds of millions fronting for Arab nations, and the country that still has a law on the books allowing its citizens to arrest Israelis for “war crimes” charges. British anti-Semitism has simply transformed into British anti-Israelism.

The Obama Iran initiative backfires again: Awesome. The Arab League wants closer ties with Iran. Looks like Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world is working just swell! ‘Cause it’s not like the Arabs think that those Persians down there in the Arab Gulf are Shia heretics or anything like that, or that they’ve hated each other for centuries. Oh. Wait. Good job, Obama! And in only 14 months.

By the way, the Palestinians are still attacking Israelis: The AP and the other wire services never seem to notice that Palestinians are still trying to kill Israelis on a daily basis. It’s not always kassam rockets. Sometimes it’s a stone thrown at a car or a bus that is traveling fast enough for the stone to become a deadly missile.

Focusing on the important issues: Awesome. The Iranian nuclear threat’s getting worse: But yes, definitely, take Netanyahu out to the woodshed over new housing projects in northeast Jerusalem. Because that’st what’s important.

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