Monthly Archives: March 2010

When a terrorist is less controversial than a religious shrine

via memeorandum Barak Ravid of Ha’aretz reports on a report apparently circulating among Israel’s diplomats: “The recent American statements point to the adoption of wording in line, even if partially and cautiously, with Palestinian demands in regard to the framework … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Just in case you were still in doubt

From the Mitchell Report: The GOI asserts that the immediate catalyst for the violence was the breakdown of the Camp David negotiations on July 25, 2000 and the “widespread appreciation in the international community of Palestinian responsibility for the impasse. … Continue reading

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Time out for a station break

I am several hundred miles north, in the wilds of NJ, visiting family and friends (and buying kosher corned beef and Italian bread!). Ergo, the paucity of posting.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Dowd of Saud?

Did Maureen Dowd defend Israel to a Saudi prince? Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

… and israel’s unpopularity among some americans

Given Israel’s popularity in America, that popularity is not universal. So those who don’t share pro-Israel views need an explanation. Walter Russell Mead explains: While I say nothing because I know nothing about the motives of particular people, it’s impossible … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 5 Comments

Israel’s popularity in America

The latest Gallup poll on American attitudes shows that by a ratio of 63 – 15, those who have an opinion, favor Israel as opposed to the Palesitnians. The New York Jewish Week opines: Analysts no doubt will find any … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Muslim ERA watch: Hamastan bans hairdressers

In 2007, the New York Times happily published a lying op-ed by Ahmed Yousef that said, among other things: “Palestinians want, on their terms, the same thing Western societies want: self-determination, modernity, access to markets and their own economic power, … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza, Hamas | Tagged , | 1 Comment

A note to the blowhards in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran

The Axis of Stooges that met in Damascus a few weeks ago and subsequently issued threats of Israel’s death and destruction probably will not like to hear that Israeli high school students are choosing combat service over noncombat service positions … Continue reading

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Negotiation is its own reward

A few years ago Treppenwitz observed: Has anyone else noticed that most civilized countries don’t list any designated ‘negotiators’ among their dignitaries? Last time I checked, none of the EU members, the U.S., nor any top tier Asian nations lists … Continue reading

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Thursday snark briefs, all-Dubai hit edition

Time for your daily AP article on the Dubai hit: You’d think that the assassination victim was some kind of worldwide hero or something, for this much media attention, but you would be wrong. Israel supposedly did it, so the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias, News Briefs | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Hell freezes over: UN notices Egypt is shooting Sudanese refugees

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights actually came down on Egypt for shooting unarmed migrants by the dozens over the past few years. And the release didn’t mention Israel once! Hell, even the AFP article doesn’t mention Israel. High … Continue reading

Posted in United Nations, World | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Not a mistake but a liberal democracy

I don’t agree with everything that Richard Cohen argues, but his central thesis about charging Israel with apartheid is unassailable: What can be said about others who apply the term to Israel in general? No apology has come from them … Continue reading

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Yes, it is anti-Semitism

The chief of police of Dubia, whom the world media have been quoting on a daily or near-daily basis (the AP alone finds it necessary to update us that the Australian police have gone to Israel to interview the former … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, AP Media Bias | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Oh and by the way he was smuggling arms

Ynet reports: Mohammed Nassar, who was an aide to Mabhouh, spoke to Hamas’ al-Aqsa radio in Gaza from Damascus. A transcript was released Tuesday. . . . Nassar says Mabhouh “never stopped thinking about how to fight the occupation by … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

The I’m too tired open thread post

Long day in NorVA, beginning with some asshat trying to see if it were true that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time (my Jeep vs. his sedan; the horn of my Jeep won), an 18-wheeler … Continue reading

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