
Israelis go home: Israelis fled the Sinai after a particularly strong warning of terrorist kidnapping cells looking for, well, Israelis to kidnap. Which leads us to:

Gazans go home: Hamas shut down a boatload of tunnels into Egypt. Why? Well, the AP thinks it has something to do with Sinai kidnapping cells looking for, well, Israelis to kidnap. And isn’t this just too-too:

Wednesday’s crackdown comes at a difficult time for the tunnel industry.

Oh, it’s an industry now? But I thought Gaza was starved, blockaded, dying of malnutrition, a giant concentration camp, yadda yadda, etc. etc.

The U.K. says Jerusalem is not in Israel: So does the United States, for that matter. It won’t put Israel on the passports of people who live in Jerusalem. But I digress: The U.K. says Israel is using false advertising by placing the Western Wall of the Temple complex in an ad for Israel. It’s an occupied territory, says the bureaucrats. Eff you, says Meryl. Jerusalem was part of Israel before Britain was a nation.

*Note: Apparently, I forgot to post this two days ago. Waste not, want not.

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4 Responses to Briefly

  1. Soccerdad says:

    Well yes it’s an industry that’s regulated by Hamas.

  2. Steven says:

    I second the FU, and I am filing a complaint. Not that I expect anything to happen, England is too far gone. Literally none of the big parties are any good when it comes to Israel.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Benjamen Disraeli was a convert to Christianity but an opponent in Parliament once taunted him with his Jewish ancestry. Disraeli gloried in it, and he answered that his ancestors were priests in the Temple of Solomon while London was a collection of mud huts.

  4. Herschel says:

    “Jerusalem is not in Israel,” WTF is with these appeasement idiots?
    Maybe somone shout remind “great” Britain about the Falkland islands, and ask why they believe they have a claim to the Islands, and Israel does not have one to their ancestral capitol LOST to an attacking Jordan in the Independence war of 1948, and reclaimed in the self defense war of 1967.

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