One of the happiest results of the British election was George Galloway going down to a resounding defeat. The Jew-hating, Iraq supporting, Hamas sympathizer couldn’t even muster second place. The anti-Semitic braggart said:

Just 24 hours earlier, all three candidates had been predicting victory. Mr Galloway, 55, who had spent most of the night in a Brick Lane curry house before heading home to lick his wounds, had told the Standard: “I expect to win and wipe Fitzpatrick into third.”


How does being wiped into third place feel, Georgie?

His opponent said:

“The Dis-Respect party has clearly suffered a huge defeat. I am confident we can build better community relations without their polarising effect. Thankfully we don’t have to hear that dreadful open-top bus anymore. I could claim that as my first achievement as MP of Poplar and Limehouse – reducing noise pollution.”

British politicians are so much more open with their insults than Americans. I love it. Galloway didn’t even have the courage to show up for the announcement of the results.

Mr Archer said the high turnout was a victory for democracy, but he called Mr Galloway’s stay-away contemptuous and despicable. “When you have asked people to vote for you and you don’t even bother to pitch up for the count, that is low.”

Yes, but that’s what Galloway is: Low. Cowardly. And now, out of politics. Not that it will stop his shilling for the Jew haters and Israel’s (and America’s and Britain’s) enemies. But at least he can’t claim that he has the voters of his district behind him.

Buh-bye, Georgie. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

Update: Even better, an aide to his former opponent—whom he smeared during his campaign five years ago—won his former seat.

“We say goodbye to George Galloway,” Ms Ali said. At the mention of Mr Galloway, almost 200 Muslim activists shouted “scum” and “out, out, out”. Ms Ali continued: “We decided it was time to pay our final respects to Respect. Together we voted to end the division and unite the East End.”

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One Response to D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    It is so appropriate to say that Galloway got “wiped”, like that other, uh, stuff IYKWIMAITYD.

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