The super hurry up briefs

Wah! (Palestinians whining again.)

Bah! (Who cares what Islamic fundamentalists think about Miss USA?)

Hah! Iran thinks sanctions against it are barbaric. The irony of the homosexual-hanging, woman-stoning nation’s barbarism is keen today.

Um—WHAT? The Obama administration is going to reach out to the “moderates” in Hizballah. Because all terrorists are simply misunderstood. Smart Power!

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2 Responses to The super hurry up briefs

  1. pamela says:


    *does a double take*

  2. Lee says:

    Peace in our time deja vu. How can these Congress members be so easily duped?
    – by Hillel Fendel Thursday, May 20 ’10, Sivan 7, 5770
    “Rothman: “Best President Ever for Israel”

    Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) noted Republican Party efforts “to distort President Obama’s positions on Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” He said that Obama is the “best president on U.S.-Israel military and intelligence cooperation in American history.”

    A White House statement said that Obama had met with “Jewish members of the Democratic caucuses for approximately an hour and a half [Tuesday] afternoon to discuss a range of issues important to U.S. foreign policy. The conversation included an update on proximity talks and administration efforts to strengthen Israel’s security, including the Administration’s recent decision to provide Israel with an additional $205 million in funding for the Iron Dome missile defense system.” It was reported that the lawmakers expressed their appreciation for these steps.

    Obama “Genuinely lnterested”

    Nadler noted that Obama expressed “his absolute determination that Iran would not achieve a nuclear bomb,” and added that the President was “genuinely interested in our advice.””

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