The day after Caturday

Since I forgot to post these yesterday, here they are today.

Tig wanted to get some exercise, so he was checking out whether or not he should use the Gazelle Glider. (Yes, he really is that long. Longer, I think. This is an old picture.) Update: I measured the Glider this morning. The E is 34 inches high. The second E—which his paw is covering.


This is Gracie’s favorite exercise:


And yet, she stays fairly svelte. That’s my girl.

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3 Responses to The day after Caturday

  1. John M. says:

    Almost a yard long! Do these predators even have bones, they stretch so far?

  2. pamela says:

    Tig’s mantra….limber, limber stretch…ahh

    Gracie likes soft and comfy just like my Shadow cat

  3. Rahel says:

    Both pictures invite a good deal of petting and bellyrubs.

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