Monthly Archives: May 2010

Fool Flotilla threatening violence

The Free Gaza ships are on their way to their clash with the Israeli Navy. They’ve already had their communications blocked, suffered some technical mishaps that they blame on Israel (of course; who else but Jews are capable of causing … Continue reading

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Saturday news dump

This is huge, huge news that was dumped on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, so the major media outlets are mostly ignoring it. The Obama administration threw Israel under the bus again. The NPT conference ended with all 189 … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, The One | Tagged , | 2 Comments

“Worsen conditions”

China’s Xinhau news service has this misleading headline: Israel to worsen condition of Hamas prisoners Read the article and this tells you how bad Hamas prisoners would have it: According to the bills, prisoners in Israeli jails who were convicted … Continue reading

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Fool Flotilla delayed

Oh noes! The Flotilla of Fools can’t arrive on schedule. They’ll have to deal with the dreaded Saturday news dearth! The flotilla sailing to Gaza has postponed its arrival in the Strip to Saturday. The ships taking part in the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The poverty of Gaza

In Defying Blockade, Cargo and Passenger Vessels Head for Gaza, Isabel Kershner of the New York Times reports: In a sarcastic e-mail message to reporters this week, Israel’s Government Press Office recommended a high-end restaurant in Gaza, the Roots Club, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Friday forgot the header briefs

A failed assassination attempt, or sheer incompetence? Mahmoud Abbas drove his own daughter to the hospital after discovering his entire guard detail was missing. A third theory: It was a warning. And you simply have to love the nerve of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, Religion | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Fool Flotilla to be met with counter-protest

Awesome. A fleet of privately owned Israeli boats will leave the Ashdod and Herzliya marinas in hopes of surprising the European activists Friday at 1 p.m. The counter flotilla ships will be covered in “Free Gaza from Hamas” banners and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Strong but empty words

Jennifer Rubin observed last week: At a signing ceremony for the Freedom of Press Act, it is ironic and shameful that Obama could not bring himself to identify the killers who beheaded the man who fearlessly reported on the jihadist … Continue reading

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Thursday on my mind briefs

Whoops! No more access for Reuters in Gaza: Reuters publishes a piece critical of Hamas by way of the al Qaeda wannabes trying to set up Gazastan. Hilarity ensues. Don’t you love how the author tries desperately to not blame … Continue reading

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Lunchtime briefs

Palestinian spokesliars strike again; media complies: According to the AP, 15 civilians were hurt an an airstrike that targeted a Hamas training camp. Amazing, how many civilians were hanging around the Hamas training camp. Why, it’s almost as if the … Continue reading

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Lies my Fatah told me

The headline reads Abbas: Second intifada was one of our worst mistakes The first paragraph reads: “The second intifada was one of our worst mistakes,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told an Egyptian television station on Wednesday. “[Late Palestinian leader Yasser] … Continue reading

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Peter’s perverse principle

I haven’t weighed in on Peter Beinart’s silly essay in the New York Review of Books. Shmuel Rosner though, asked Beinart a few questions. Beinart’s answers show that he’s ignorant of what Israel is. In particular, Beinart, in one of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 6 Comments

Briefly, Just Another Day edition

Another day, another mortar attack. Another day, another bombing attack from Gaza. Another day, another arrest of more Palestinian terrorists—in the West Bank. Another day, another threat by a leader of Israel’s neighbor to make peace or else. Another day, … Continue reading

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The messaging or the strategy?

In a meeting with fifteen Rabbis last week, White House shief of staff Rahm Emanuel said that the administration “screwed up the messaging.” Part of me wants to buy that, but I’m very skeptical. I’d have been a lot more … Continue reading

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Dreary Monday briefs

Another ship of fools heads to Israel: Yes, time to try to break the “siege” of Gaza again and get really angry when the IDF boards the ship and turns it around. But this time, they’re prepared! They’re having IDF-Boards-Our-Ship … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, News Briefs, Syria | Tagged , , | 1 Comment