Monthly Archives: May 2010

Is Obama, Carter, but without the good fortune?

In his devastating critique of ex-President Jimmy Carter, Our Worse Ex-President, Joshua Muravchik wrote: Carter’s interest in the conflict is in one sense natural: the agreement he mediated between Israel and Egypt at Camp David in 1978 stands as one … Continue reading

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The joke that is the UN Human Rights Council

The latest addition to the UN Human Rights Council? Libya. Libya was elected Thursday to the United Nations Human Rights Council, over the objections of numerous NGOs that said the country was unfit to serve on the rights body. A … Continue reading

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Friday briefs, blame the Jew edition

Palestinian dies, Jews blamed: In the West Bank, Palestinians say that “settlers” shot and killed a Palestinian teenager who had been throwing stones at a passing Israeli vehicle. The fact that those stones are generally larger-than-fist-sized rocks that have injured … Continue reading

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For Jerusalem Day

I’ve been busy or otherwise engaged, but here’s my commentary on not building in “east” Jerusalem:

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The Wal-Mart of the pharmeceutical industry

I haven’t commented much on Israel’s acceptance into the OECD, but I should have. I would think that one indication of Israel’s economic success is the success of Teva, the world’s largest generic drug manufacturer. Teva’s success is nicely described … Continue reading

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Abbas is negotiating with a maxed out credit card

Evelyn Gordon speculates at the end of The Purpose of Proximity Talks: Why is the proximity-talks charade necessary? Because currently, Obama lacks both public and congressional support for moving beyond mere verbal hostility. If he didn’t realize this before, the … Continue reading

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What’s another word for ‘briefly’?

In any other country, he’d be tried for treason: So, when a Member of the Knesset calls for an Islamic caliphate to be established in Israel and says that Jews can “manage their own matters themselves,” this is not racist, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Lebanon | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Can Israel supply a Grecian formula?

The Jerusalem Post reminds us: The European Union’s unfolding Greek tragedy finds analysts outdoing each other in scripting hyperbolic doomsday scenarios. Time will tell whether they are right or exaggerating. But it might serve us Israelis well to recall that, … Continue reading

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An exhausting day

Sorry, folks. I ran out of gas. Not literally. That’s a quote from an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. Let’s see. Got up early, worked an hour or two, went to breakfast with the friend I was staying with in central … Continue reading

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I’d like to bring up an observation made by Treppenwitz again: But when most people today say “the ’67 borders” in relation to territorial compromise, they are talking about the borders that existed on June 5th, 1967… which were, in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 3 Comments

That which kills me makes me stronger

The problem with integrated Islamists is that they become effective foot soldiers for mini-Qaedas as Maureen Callahan terms them. Al Qaeda’s ability to plan and launch strikes abroad has been degraded since Sept. 11, due both to the war in … Continue reading

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Sunday NJ briefs

Oh, didn’t I mention I was in New Jersey? Nose to nose: This looks really neat. The Israeli embassy in New Zealand was reopened with a Maori nose-pressing ceremony. Looks like the Maoris like Israelis better than the Kiwis do. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 4 Comments

Forget your right hand

The Washington Post reports, “Israeli construction in East Jerusalem adds to difficulties facing negotiators“: When the Obama administration launches indirect peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians, as early as this weekend, it faces a much more complicated landscape … Continue reading

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Sabotaging negotiations before they begin

The Palestinians are not serious about negotations with Israel. It is evident to anyone who has followed the situation at any length, but they’re really making it easy to see that they don’t really want two states, side by side, … Continue reading

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Dogpile on the rabbit

A commenter is requesting that we answer Mearsheimer’s apartheid charges directly. Feel free.

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