Fish heads to lighten the mood

Barnes and Barnes wrote a song and created a video that, during the 1980s, gave my friends and me hours of amusement. (All Dr. Demento fans will remember this one.) As a matter of fact, I developed an entire theory about music based on “Fish Heads” that proves that Andrew Lloyd Weber drools, and Stephen Sondheim rules, based on the ability—or lack thereof—to sing their lyrics to the tune of Fish Heads. (You can’t sing any Sondheim songs to it, not even “Send in the Clowns,” but most ALW songs fit the tune perfectly.)

Presented, to lighten the mood, the Fish Heads video in its entirety. Stick with it during the long intro. It will make you laugh.

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4 Responses to Fish heads to lighten the mood

  1. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    Dr. D. was on 97.9(The Loop) in Chicago on Sunday nights during the mid 1980’s.
    I’d be bleary-eyed at school the next day because I stayed up too late.
    Ahhh-those were the days.

  2. Eric J says:

    One of the members of Barnes and Barnes was Billy Mumy, better known as Will Robinson from Lost in Space or Lennier from Babylon 5.

    And Barnes and Barnes released a new album last year:

  3. velville in atlanta says:

    Thank you. I have a B&B album someplace around here. And oh for the days of Turkey Teevee. Maybe you can find Robin Diamonz singing ?!? Monkey Man.

    More seriously, once again we have a day of the 44 administration trying to butter up folk who don’t like the US (who will not like the US regardless of the butter) and dump on Israel and American Jews. Then we have to see the embarrassing Barney Frank waffle (and say that he is ashamed to be a Jew) while Joe Biden calls “B.S.” on the Turks. Maybe Frank should convert and Biden should convert and we would come out ahead.

    And maybe when Phil Alston, the UN “execution” phoney said that the US should stop with the drones he meant that the 44 administration needs to stop its meaningless droning rather than use of flying drones to squash al Qadah?

  4. Jay Tea says:

    I once had a friend (female) who I hung the nickname “fishhead” on. And she actually accepted it — I would get messages on my answering machine that started off “Hey, Jay, it’s Fishhead.”

    Wasn’t the other half of Barnes & Barnes Crispin Glover?


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