Kudos to the AP

Yeah, I bitch about them all the time, but today, I read an AP news article about falling mortgage rates that got me on the phone to my mortgage broker, who ran the numbers for me. I’m refinancing at about a point and a half less than I’m paying now.

It’s a tough economy. It’s a good thing to be saving money. So thanks, AP.

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4 Responses to Kudos to the AP

  1. Robert says:

    One of the things caused by Keynesian Economics is a deflationary spiral. Since Keynesians are only using smoke and mirrors to make it appear the economic numbers are improving, and hiding the truth, the result is that the economy starts to shrink, people make less money, demand drops for consumer goods – and then prices and interest rates drop. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, until goods and rates become so low that manufacturers stop making things because they cost more to make than they can sell them and banks cease lending money because they can’t make money doing it. At that point, the economy collapses.

    Keynesian economics has failed every single time it’s been tried, in every country it’s been tried, on every continent. Well, except for maybe Antarctica.

    FDR tried it and it failed, WW2 caused the recovery from the Great Depression, Nixon tried it again and the result was “stagflation” which almost destroyed the economy. It only recovered because of the Reagan tax rate cuts.

    Bush cut taxes and staved off the recession for several years, hoping for a recovery without a recession – something the Democrats couldn’t allow to happen. They need bad economic news to get elected.

    The Porkulus package cost over a $trillion. It would have only “cost” $300,000,000 to completely eliminate corporate income taxes in the US. Which would have been exactly what the economy needed, and we’d be out of it by now. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit the Liberal Politics of Envy meme. Wasn’t there a Commandment about that?

    Why exactly Liberals keep trying the same things that have failed before is beyond me, I really wish I could comprehend it. Oh, well. I guess I never will.


  2. mrfred says:

    how did the AP figure out how to blame the recession on Israel?

  3. Mrfred: So glad I wasn’t drinking when I read your comment, because that was definitely a spit-take.

  4. Pamela says:

    That’s the Commandment about not coveting someone or something that doesn’t belong to you.

    I think the liberals did a control alt delete on that one. Actually, they did it on all of them.

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