Monthly Archives: June 2010

Kudos to the AP

Yeah, I bitch about them all the time, but today, I read an AP news article about falling mortgage rates that got me on the phone to my mortgage broker, who ran the numbers for me. I’m refinancing at about … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Life | 4 Comments

Another Flotilla roundup

From Cyprus with love: Cyprus says it won’t allow the Hezballah Lebanese aid flotilla to dock in their port and then head out to Gaza. Gee, I wonder if Cyprus is on Israel’s side because Turkey has been occupying half … Continue reading

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The real reason behind Turkey’s anti-Israel leap?

What if it’s not just Islamism that caused Turkey to set Israel up with the IHH Gaza Flotilla? What if the reasons for the delegitimization of Israel went further than demagoguery and the whipping of the anti-Israel crowd to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Turkey | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Si vis pacem, para bellum

One of the memes coming out of the administration and eagerly parroted by the press is that Israel is a strategic liability for the United States. The reason, of course, is because Israel is too aggressive (and, thus, does not … Continue reading

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Anti-Semitism: On the rise again, but it’s Israel’s fault

A Jewish dance group was announced at a street festival in Germany, and promptly greeted with rocks and the old Nazi call of “Jews out!” by a number of “youths” of Muslim origin. A Jewish dance group was attacked with … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 2 Comments

Israeli eye in the sky

This ought to give the Iranians headaches: “With Ofek 9, Israel now has about 10 satellites working in a joint system – a commercial amount,” ISA Chairman Isaac Ben-Israel told Ynet on Wednesday night. “One of them completes a round … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Girl talk

Thought this one up the other day: Menopause means never having to say, “Is it cold in here?” (Actually, it’s perimenopause. I have to have no cyle for 12 months to be in full-blown menopause. And may I say: Not. … Continue reading

Posted in Girl Talk | 6 Comments

WaPo editors: we helped Hamas

The editors of the Washington Post sounded off about the recent Supreme Court ruling about providing assistance to terror groups: WHICH OF the following is illegal under the law that bars providing “material support” to terrorists?: 1. Giving money to … Continue reading

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My snarky briefs, not yours

Biased AP headline of the month: Parents say Israel abandoned son held in Gaza. Apparently, the headline was too long. So instead of writing, say, “Parents say Israel abandoned soldier abducted by Hamas,” we have the pap above, which does … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The founder of Jews for Jesus is dead?

I missed this in the news last month. Moishe Rosen, former Orthodox Jew who founded Jews for Jesus, is dead. I hear the Mormons posthumously baptized him.

Posted in Evil Meryl, Religion | 12 Comments

It’s all in the translation

Awesome translation in a Ynet article today: It was also reported that an Israeli manless drone located Nasrallah near the Hezbollah security headquarters in the Dahiya quarter of south Beirut. A manless drone for the manless leader of Hezballah. Hey, … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Lebanon | 2 Comments

Why is israel isolated Janine? Why don’t you take a bow for your efforts to help the cause?

Today the Washington Post reports Israel’s feeling of isolation is becoming more pronounced: Israel is no stranger to feelings of isolation. It weathered years of Cold War-era Arab and Soviet hostility. Books have been written about the United Nations’ perceived … Continue reading

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The media anti-Israel narrative strikes again

There’s a new AP boilerplate on the Mavi Marmara incident. It used to be two-sided. At least, in some stories, the AP put the fact that Israeli commandos were attacked halfway down the story, like this: Israel has sought to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Potato power

I’ve argued in the past that Israel’s portrayal in the media is extremely unfair given the aid it provides to nations suffering from disasters. But there are other ways that Israel helps less developed nations. Engadget tells us (via memeorandum): … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

Yachting, Golf, and the Oil Crisis

There is quite some furor over the fact that the CEO of BP, formerly BRITISH Petroleum and now simply BP, just as KFC, once actually had something to do with Kentucky and FRIED Chicken, went yachting and Pres. Obama played … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment