Oh, this is just too easy: Iran has released a list of “Islamic haircuts” for men. Yes, really. Excuse me, I think I cracked a rib laughing so hard at this one. I swear, they’re just making it easier and easier to mock them.
Say, still think talking to Hamas is a good idea? Just one little quote here:
Barhoum added, “Fayyad only represents himself, and the Fatah’s Authority in the West Bank does not represent the Palestinian people. We won’t accept the results of their negotiations, which will not be binding as far as the Palestinian people are concerned.”
Yep. That’s the spokesman of an organization that wants to make peace with Israel. Shyeah.
It’s official: Goalposts moved, Hamas rewarded. The terror flotilla worked. The Gaza blockade is mostly lifted, and the world says Israel has made “an important step.” Did you ever notice that no matter what Israel does, it’s never enough? Of course you have. You’re reading this blog, aren’t you?
Israel is, at little steps, destroying our only one state in the world (a.k.a. Israel), just to please the anti-semites of the world… =[
Like Meryl Yourish would say…
Anti-semites of the world, just die already (and go ef yourselves)!
Well, if they outlaw the mullet I would have to put in a good word for them.