Monthly Archives: July 2010

Naming and shaming the U.N.

This guy is my new hero: Phillip Ruch’s monument to Srebrenica is a huge jumble of worn shoes, more than 16,000 of them, each pair representing a victim of Europe’s worst massacre since World War II. Seen from afar it … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, United Nations | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Update on new user registration

If you don’t leave a valid email address, you won’t be able to retrieve your password if you forget it. Rather than deal with users re-registering a zillion times, I’ll be sending out an email to validate you. Just a … Continue reading

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The anti-Israel media double standard

A few days ago, Israel released formerly classified photos that detailed Hezbollah weapons caches and soldiers nestled deeply within southern Lebanese civilian villages and towns. The world media dutifully passed along the information just as eagerly as they passed along … Continue reading

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Like the singin’ bird and the croakin’ toad, I got a name – and Israelis don’t like it

via memeorandum Haaretz reports, Obama: Israelis suspicious of me because my middle name is Hussein During the interview Wednesday, when confronted with the anxiety that some Israelis feel toward him, Obama said that “some of it may just be the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The One | Tagged | 4 Comments

The famous Hezbollah stance on freedom of the press

Hezbollah is really, really mad that CNN fired its Mideast editor for Tweeting praise of their recently dead spiritual leader. The Lebanese militant Hezbollah has denounced CNN’s decision to fire a Middle East editor for posting a note on Twitter … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias | Tagged , | 3 Comments


NOW people can register to add comments. I forgot to open registration when I closed comments to all but registered users.

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Why can’t the editors of the New York Times …

… be more like the editors of the Washington Post? Today’s Washington Post features an editorial President Obama’s new Middle East course has promise: FOR MUCH of the past 15 months, President Obama sought to advance his goal of a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Obama full-court press

I hardly know what to say. The first word that comes to mind is “hypocrite.” Because suddenly, Obama has seen the light on the Israeli point of view regarding peace. U.S. President Barack Obama has said there is hope for … Continue reading

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Comment registration is back on

I’ve been hit by spammers a lot this week, and I have no desire to police my comments while I’m taking a break for a long weekend. If you’re already registered, you can comment. If you haven’t, and you’re not … Continue reading

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Only Israel

Via Hot Air. The comments at YouTube are, of course, filthy and hateful, for the most part.

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israeli Double Standard Time, Pop Culture | Tagged | Comments Off on Only Israel

The odd “peace logic” of the New York Times

Yesterday’s meeting between Israeli PM Netanyahu and President Obama did not impress the editors of the New York Times. In Mr. Netanyahu at the White House, they write: President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel satisfied their short-term … Continue reading

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Wednesday morning breifs—no, briefs

But I thought it was “traditionally Arab east Jerusalem”: The AP officially admits that Jerusalem did not belong to the Palestinians throughout history. In an article about a century-old grenade found in Jerusalem’s Old City, the AP writes: Jerusalem’s Old … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Obama-Netanyahu aftermath

So, what was the scorecard of the big meeting? Barry Rubin says it was pretty much theater. Obama praised Netanyahu just as much on the “peace process.” The president said: “I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants peace. I think … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, The One | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

WaPo: President Obama seeks to mend fences with Israel and keep Jews on board

Ahead of today’s visit of Prime Minister Netanyahu to President Obama the Washington Post, In Obama, Netanyahu meet again amid questions over U.S.-Israel relations, catalogues many of the difficulties plaguing the relationship between the two allies. The public show of … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Israel, Politics, The One | Tagged | 5 Comments

Egyptian and Jordanian fears of a Palestinian State

I’ve been talking about Egyptian and Jordanian fears of an independent Palestinian state for years and in fact, discussed  the issue only a few days ago with some of my colleagues. One of the biggest challenges in creating a Palestinian … Continue reading

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