Monthly Archives: August 2010

Will’s still in Israel

Today he writes, In the Mideast the peace process is only a mirage: The biggest threat to peace might be the peace process — or, more precisely, the illusion that there is one. The mirage becomes the reason for maintaining … Continue reading

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Things you really ought to read

Tony Blair’s speech at Herzliya: I often have a conversation about the West Bank which goes like this. Someone says: Israel must lift the occupation. I reply: I agree but it has to be sure that when it does so, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 3 Comments


And yet, gays still support Queers for Palestine: Israel, the only country in the Middle East that protects gays’ civil rights, rescued a gay Israeli Arab from his family after they kidnapped and beat him. Oh, and they arrested his … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Peace is coming, why am I annoyed?

In Mideast Talks to look forward to? David Makovsky writes: Security cooperation between the PA and Israel has substantially improved. In 2002, 410 Israelis were killed by suicide bombings and other attacks emanating from the West Bank; in the past … Continue reading

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The starving Gazan myth respun

Piggybacking on the latest media spin that Gazans weren’t really starving, but they’re being humiliated, the AP puts out a story about the narrative being challenged. The AP does its job perfectly, making sure that you realize that the Gaza … Continue reading

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Today Ethan Bronner of the New York Times reports on his trip into Gaza. You see in recent months embarrassing reports have come out that have suggested that perhaps poverty in Gaza was not nearly as bad as advertised by … Continue reading

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Monday briefs

You give up the money, idiot: It’s not heroic to fight off armed robbers, it’s stupid. Especially when you’re only carrying $5. It’s stupid. And now a rabbinic student is hospitalized for his stupidity. There’s a Talmudic lesson in here … Continue reading

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The evolution of the AP Israel bias: Updates

Sunday morning, the AP released an article about the upcoming peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, and updated it throughout the day. The first version bore a timestamp at My Way News of 6:49 a.m. Eastern Time. The second … Continue reading

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Hamas says Abbas Cannot Represent the Palestinians

Isn’t it exciting that the Israelis and Palestinians are meeting in direct talks to tell each other the same thing that they have been saying for the months now indirectly? Direct talks certainly hold more possibilities for progress, but also … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Did I write three …

… articles by George Will. I mean 4. Today in Many possible Israeli concessions would be suicidal George Will writes: Twenty-one Israeli settlements were dismantled; even the bodies of Israelis buried in Gaza were removed. After a deeply flawed 2006 … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

Your Sunday morning briefs

Are they different from your weekly briefs? Not really. So, what’s the pool on when Israel’s going to bomb it? The Russians are loading nuclear fuel rods into the Bushehr reactor. Oh, no way anything can go wrong with that, … Continue reading

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Saturday take-your-mind-off-things post

VERY funny, and VERY raunchy video. You may have trouble viewing it. I definitely would not view it from work. NSFW, and NSF kids. Apparently, Ray Bradbury has seen and enjoyed the video.

Posted in Humor | 4 Comments

The mystery of the missing mew

A few weeks ago, I started wondering if Gracie was coming down with something again. About a year and a half ago, I took her to the vet’s on the strength of the fact that she no longer mewed or … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 6 Comments

Ho hum, another condemnation of Israel by the UN

Not content to have blown a single incident up out of all proportion, the New York Times is now acting as a press agency for the United Nations. In Report Criticizes Gaza Restrictions, Ethan Bronner reported: A United Nations report … Continue reading

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Friday morning news, briefly

Ew, Jew cooties: Greece had to reassure its Arab allies that just because it’s getting friendlier with Israel doesn’t mean that it’s deserting them. Of course not. Greece leftists are among the most anti-Israel in the world. Ew, India cooties: … Continue reading

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