Monthly Archives: August 2010

Thursday briefs

Saudi Medieval Punishment Watch: If you think Islamic “justice” can’t get much more disgusting than stoning a person to death, you’re wrong. A Saudi judge wrote to several hospitals asking them if they would sever a criminal’s spinal cord in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media, Saudi Arabia | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Third in a series by George Will

In recent weeks, George Will has written two excellent columns about Israel and the Middle East: Netanyahu, the anti-Obama and Netanyahu’s warning. Today, he presents Skip the lecture on Israel’s “risks for peace”: The intifada was launched by the late … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

A balanced report on the Mavi Marmari incident

Kudos to the British television programme (spelled this way in honor of their objectivity) for a balanced report on the Mavi Marmara incident. Via Goldblog. The producer of Panorama? The BBC. Whoa. That’s TWO balanced BBC pieces in one week, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Turkey | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Disparate columnists notice the anti-Israel trend

Though I already wrote about this, a week and a half ago Thomas Friedman, in Steal this movie wrote: I write about this now because there is something foul in the air. It is a trend, both deliberate and inadvertent, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

The AP buries the lede on Hezbollah

You know your “evidence” is bogus when even the AP is laughing at Hezbollah’s attempt to blame Israel for Hariri’s death. However, they buried the lede in this article. It’s titled “UN gets Hezbollah ‘evidence’ on Israel-Hariri link,” but four … Continue reading

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Been busy

The usual Monday trip to NorVA, work-related things, and more work-related things. I’m so glad I have cobloggers.

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Shades of moderation

Two weeks ago Jeffrey Goldberg wrote, If He Could, Bin Laden Would Bomb the Cordoba Initiative (via memeorandum): This seems like such an obvious point, but it is apparently not obvious to the many people who oppose the Cordoba Initiative’s … Continue reading

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Dr David Lowry – a short study in contradictions

I have stumbled on a curious letter to the Guardian, titled Hiroshima, Israel and nuclear tests, signed by Dr David Lowry, former director, European Proliferation Information Center (EPIC). He starts with the background: I visited the exhibition on images of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Harvard divests .. er .. not so fast

According to Globes: (via memeorandum) In another blow to Israeli shares, the Harvard Management Company notified the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday that it had sold all its holdings in Israeli companies during the second quarter of … Continue reading

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Reading material for while I’m working: Bad girl, bad girl: I have two words to say about this graffiti that Bad Rachel (who is now blogrolled) posted: Awe and some. Barack Obama has “abandonded America”: The 9/11 Families reaction to … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, The One, Turkey | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Elsewhere

Israel’s Nuclear Ambiguity is Good for The United States

The Arab League is pushing to end Israel’s nuclear secrecy and demanding that it come under the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear nation. The Obama Administration asked the Arab League NOT to do this because Israel would clearly resist and … Continue reading

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Enjoy Life

Someone sent this to me recently. Admittedly, it probably was not an actual doctor who said this and putting it in the context of an oriental doctor is likely a literary device. I’m sure it is on snopes somewhere. But … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Your Monday morning briefs

I really don’t like Mondays, particularly because I usually make the drive to Company in Northern Virginia, and it’s a damned boring drive. Because not all of you read Instapundit: The Atlantic rounds up the many opinions about Jeff Goldberg’s … Continue reading

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The failed UN peacekeeping in Lebanon

I think the “U” in UNIFIL should really stand for “Useless.” Witness: In an interview with The Associated Press on Mount Adir, a hill overlooking the border, an officer from the military’s Northern Command pointed through the summer haze at … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, United Nations | 1 Comment

And the cow is one

I think I’ve already posted about this, but it just keeps getting funnier. Our rabbi was away this weekend, so various members of the congregation led services. I volunteered for Friday night. Sarah and family were there as well, since … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Religion | 6 Comments