Monthly Archives: August 2010

Friday morning open thread

Busy with work and other things. If you have a link you want me to check out, post it in the comments. Or just say hello to one another.

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It wasn’t 800 years it was 436, and it was peaceful if you consider a “convert or die” ultimatum peaceful

A recent Washington Post editorial about the “Ground Zero mosque” observed: It’s fine that Imam Rauf decided to call his organization the Cordoba Initiative; Cordova, Spain is an important place of history that merits study and draws tourists to Spain. … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene | Tagged | 1 Comment

Correcting the Israel-Lebanon media narrative

The world media have grudgingly released the news that UNIFIL actually backs Israel’s versions of the ambush of IDF soldiers by Lebanese snipers. But the narrative is still that it’s a volatile border, and Israel’s extremely hostile act of pruning … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

More fallout from the Lebanese border incident

Most of the info in this post comes from Army radio, some of it, not necessarily in that order or one place, could be found on the Internet. Yesterday a meeting as held in Nakura between UNIFIL commander in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Politics | 1 Comment

The Cordoba House and the Caliphate

Disregarding all the arguments about the cultural center/mosque to be known as the Cordoba House wants to build at Ground Zero, I was struck by one thing in particular: The name of the cultural center. What, I wondered, was the … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Reporting on yesterday’s Israel-Lebanon clash

I was very frustrated yesterday when I read the account of the clash at the Israeli border with Lebanon in the New York Times. Even as more and more information was filtering out showing that the firing had clearly started … Continue reading

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World media: Reflexively anti-Israel

Yesterday, only the Israeli press was carrying statements from UNIFIL saying that the IDF soldiers who were fired on by the Lebanese yesterday were definitely on the Israeli side of the border. The mainstream media couldn’t seem to find a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, United Nations | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The Lebanese border deaths: who benefits?

When the smoke of the shooting dispersed a bit and the details started to emerge, the picture became clear quite soon. IDF had informed UNIFIL about the maintenance work to be performed in the enclave, which is a part of … Continue reading

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Zabla it ain’t

There’s a concept in Jewish law of “zeh borer lo echad” or “each one chooses one.” In Hebrew, the term is shortened to its acronym, “zabla.” When two litigants have a court case requiring three judges, each litigant chooses a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Turkey, United Nations | Tagged | 2 Comments

Clash on Israel’s border with Lebanon

Fighting broke out this morning on Israel’s northern border. A day after rockets were fired at Eilat, loud explosions were reported on the northern border as Israeli and Lebanese forces engaged in massive exchanges of fire. Security sources and witnesses … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Andrew Sullivan and the anti-Israel narrative

Andrew Sullivan is mad, mad, MAD at Lee Smith for suggesting that Andy is stirring up the Jew haters out there. But what his little essay reveals, it seems to me, is a panic that the discourse about Israel has … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 5 Comments

The thrill of being needed

In an op-ed today, Efraim Karsh writes about “The Palesitnians alone.” The thrust of his article is that over the years the Palestinian cause has been adopted by those who don’t have Palestinian interests in mind. Not surprisingly, the Arab … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Monday briefs

Terrorists aim for Israelis, murder their own again: Terrorists tried to kill Jews, and wound up killing a Jordanian taxi driver instead. You aim for Eilat, you hit the town next to it—which happens to be in Jordan. Well, better … Continue reading

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Is Oliver Stoned? Nope, just doing a Gibson.

I know that this post is a relatively late reaction to the latest tempest in a teapot created by one of the Hollywood finest. However, after reading a few articles on the subject, I was somewhat dissatisfied by the analysis … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Media | 2 Comments

Shimon Peres and British anti-Semitism

The Telegraph reports that Britons are “furious” that Israeli president Shimon Peres said that the U.K. is anti-Israel. (By the way, the Telegraph reports that he said the U.K. is anti-Semitic. That’s not what he said.) Let us examine the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 16 Comments