Tuesday morning Middle East briefs

Say, that Obama-Syria outreach really worked! The latest insult from Baby Assad:

Bashar Assad told Al-Hayat newspaper in an interview published Tuesday that the U.S. “created chaos in every place it entered.”

Smart power!

So, how’s that idea about separating Syria from Iran going, hm? Think you need to send John Kerry back to work harder?


French newspaper proves Syria, Iran, and Lebanon are in violation of UNSCR 1701: Think there will be any outrage at this evidence that UN resolutions are being violated? Of course not, because it’s not Israel being accused of violating the resolution. Think UNIFIL will have anything to say about this? Shyeah. Let’s definitely solve the Israel/Palestinian problem by stationing an international force around the borders. What could go wrong with that?

Turkish “peace activists” pose with Islamic Jihad: So, those “peace activists”—the ones that the news media all lament Israel killed on the Mavi Marmaramaramaran? They visited Islamic Jihad while they were in Gaza. Go click the link. They’re posing with Islamic Jihad guns and uniforms. Think this will get any play in the mainstream media? Oh, please, of course that was a rhetorical question.

Ew, Jew Cooties: Israelis have been working secretly with students from the Arab world in a joint medical school program in order to foster better relations with the people of the Arab world. The program has recently come to light, with predictable results: The Arabs are outraged. There is apparently a “Jordanian Anti-Normalization Committee”—this, in the country that has a peace agreement with Israel. But hey, just ask Time Magazine: It’s the Israelis who don’t want peace.

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2 Responses to Tuesday morning Middle East briefs

  1. Noam says:

    Don’t you think to understand why baby Assad can flex his muscles and spew his typical verbiage we should take a time travel back before Obama and his moronic ‘outreach program?’ Shall we drop all of history and pretend everything began when possibly the worst president of all times took office on Jan. 20, 2009? Wow, that will get us far, won’t it?

    Assad can because ‘he can.’ He was allowed to. There was a time the U.S post 9-11 had the power right in their fists to stop Assad but decided not to. Oh how proud we were to show Assad a thing or two by merely shunning him. (smoke and mirrors) We see that accomplished nothing either except to hand Assad more power.

    Anyway, don’t think for a minute there was
    no back channel diplomacy with the baby prior to Obama because there was. Just like shunning Arafat was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. In the end, both tracts to show Assad who means business has failed and —>failed miserably.
    To prove it, look at the friendship forged between Assad and the very son of the man Assad had most likely ordered assassinated!! (and got away with it thanks in no part to the U.S)

    Playing politics is like playing favorites with ‘blinders.’ Both lethal and gets us nowhere except on a virtual one way treadmill to the abyss.

    Right now in the U.S there has been a fleeing from both parties to independent. We hold the cards because we see beyond political ideology. We can even see how idiotic we once sounded and behaved back when our ‘you know what’ never stunk.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    An anti-normalization committee is a violation of Article 11 of the Jordan-Israel peace treaty. Hoo boy, when the western media find out about this, is Jordan going to catch it.

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