Monthly Archives: October 2010

Some say that the New York Times is anti-Israel

With an article titled Some question insistence on Israel as Jewish State, the New York Times officially joins the anti-Israel crowd. No doubt there are those who disagree with Netanyahu as to whether Israel should be called a Jewish state. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 2 Comments

Angela Merkel, multikulti and “progressives” mental paralysis

So, the sky has thundered. The leader of one of most politically correct, sensitive and holier-than-thou countries in Europe finally delivered a coup de grâce to already dying unnatural creature called  multiculturalism. It’s quite the time, and let’s be frank: … Continue reading

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Where in the world?

Had an amazing drive this afternoon. There’s a small farm in northern VA that sells (among other things) chestnuts, and as I am extremely passionate about the nut of the tree that used to cover America, I drove from Richmond … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Sunday snarks

Must… not… say… it… Must… not… say… it: The Palestinians are opening a Rachel Corrie restaurant. Say, think it’ll feature pancakes? Damn. I said it. Iranian ERA Watch: Iran has restricted 12 “Western” social sciences. These include law, women’s studies, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, News Briefs | Tagged , | 7 Comments

Saturday briefs

Christians telling Jews what to do, 2010 version: A synod of Middle East bishops met, and decided that a) Israel shouldn’t be occupying “Palestinian lands,” b) Israeli Christians shouldn’t sell their homes no matter what, and b) There is no … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, News Briefs, Religion | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Gideon Levy: baron of deceit industry exhuming wrong dogs

I am watching with some interest the unfolding battle between Ben Dror Yemini – opinion-editor of the daily newspaper Maariv and the self-appointed “conscience of Israel” – Gideon Levy, the editor of Haaretz. The fight started with Mr Levy giving … Continue reading

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Distorting Mideast policy

According to Laura Rozen (note here yesterday) the administration’s upset that Netnayahu isn’t infinitely pliable. The American team is said to be frustrated and upset at Netanyahu’s dismissal to date of the package, which was drafted by the NSC’s Dennis … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Saudi Arabia | Tagged | 5 Comments

Friday briefs

In your face, Iran!: An Israeli took the world’s record for most simultaneous games of chess played—from an Iranian. Oh, the misery! And this is a Master of Juvenile Scorn™ in the making: “Taking the record from an Iranian in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, News Briefs | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


Hey, can you make this headline a little more anti-Israel, please? Really. Check it out: Slain US activist’s parents face Israeli killer. It’s about the lawsuit Rachel Corrie’s parents brought against the driver of the bulldozer. The death was ruled … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Will Bolton’s fears be realized?

Yesterday I noted that John Bolton feared that the Obama administration would (tacitly) support a Palestinian effort to get support for statehood at the United Nations. The Palestinians clearly are looking to the UN for support: The Palestinian leadership, near … Continue reading

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More cat pictures

I think the internet doesn’t have enough cat pictures. Up first: Gracie, who needs to have more pictures taken, because I’m noticing her goofball brother has about three times the pictures in my folder as she does. Below: Tig, right … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

The “bash Israel” security blanket

The first paragraph of Thomas Friedman’s column today, Just Knock it off, makes sense: Some of Israel’s worst critics are fond of saying that Israel behaves like America’s spoiled child. I’ve always found that analogy excessive. Say what you want … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments

Jimmy Carter: I really, REALLY hate Israel

You don’t even have to read between the lines anymore to see Jimmy Carter’s utter loathing of all things Israel: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, during a visit to Damascus on Tuesday, called for Israel to lift completely its blockade … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

What’s under Meryl’s desk?

I like my new desk. It’s transparent. And apparently, I’m not the only one who likes it. The UPS is warm and cuddly to a cat, seemingly.

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

Tuesday morning sniefs

Ew, Jew cooties: The Turkish PM not only refuses to talk to Netanyahu, but he’s not going to attend a climate change conference if Bibi shows up. He says that Israel is close to losing Turkey as a friend. Hey. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Jew Cooties | 2 Comments