Monthly Archives: October 2010

A textbook example of a moronic commenter

While trying to wrap my brain around the New York Times Magazine profiling Pamela Geller, I came across Charles Johnson and Robert Spencer in the Guardian’s Comment is Free. Now, I sometimes delve into the CiF comment sink, because Know … Continue reading

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Jacoby: The Undeniable Jewish State

Last week CNN reported (via the Daily Alert Blog) Top PA negotiator Nabil Sha’ath, an advisor to Mahmoud Abbas, distanced the PA government from comments by PLO official Yasser Abed Rabbo inferring that Palestinians might recognize Israel as a Jewish … Continue reading

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Working against peace and Israel?

Jackson Diehl observes: So why does Abbas stubbornly persist in his self-defeating position? In an interview with Israeli television Sunday night, he offered a remarkably candid explanation: “When Obama came to power, he is the one who announced that settlement … Continue reading

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Muslim ERA/medieval punishment watch

Those tolerant Muslims in the United Arab Emirates—the nation you may remember due to the voluminous Mossad hit squad activity there when a Hamas terrorist was killed—have had its highest court rule that it’s just ducky for a man to … Continue reading

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The AP whitewash of the week

I was under the weather the last 24 hours, which precluded me from posting on this little tidbit I found yesterday, on a story about new negotations for Gilad Shalit’s release: The militant group is leading the negotiations, demanding the … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The week of living busily

Yes, it’s been rather busy at work, and I’m very grateful to my co-bloggers for picking up the slack. The good news is that it’s probably going to go from really busy to only mostly busy. Sigh.

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Accepting Jewish history; accepting Israel

In a departure for the New York Times op-ed page, they included “An end to Israel’s Invisibility” by Ambassador Michael Oren. It’s a case for Israel being recognized as a Jewish state by the Palestinians as a condition for peace. … Continue reading

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Thanks, Adrian…

As a middle aged (to be PC, of course) person, I thought that my ability to be surprised is somewhat dulled by the years. So, in a way, I should be thankful to one Adrian Hamilton for the Indy article … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 8 Comments

Wise Words Forgotten

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in a sermon “Can we win the war without losing America” delivered May 20, 1917 at Carnegie Hall wrote: We have gone into the war not because of the Lusitania nor yet because of the Sussex, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Hamas’s “good government” charade is over

A few years ago there was a trend in newspapers to write flattering accounts of Hamas and its commitment to good government. It was as if there was a campaign to say that “Hamas is basically good, you can ignore … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 10 Comments

The Mad Mahmoud Lebanon trip news roundup—with snark!

Um, two miles from the border is NOT a stone’s throw away: Looks like Mad Mahmoud won’t be hitting Israel with a stone anytime soon—not unless he can throw one two miles. So it’s all media hype. Figures. Bet he … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The tarnished halo effect

The New York Times ran a Reuters report Israel Says Flotilla Detainees Were Treated Well, yesterday. Really nothing surprising about that. What is is surprising is this (via Daily Alert Blog): In a TV interview, Turkish journalist Åžefik Dinç, who … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 2 Comments

Oh, NOW Europe doesn’t care who is a Jew

For century after century, in country after country, Europe was obsessed with dispossessing the Jews among its citizens. European nations created the Pale of the Settlement, the ghetto, the Nuremberg Laws. European nations committed pogroms, forced conversion of Jews, and … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, World | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Never – When the Palestinian Authority will Recognize the Jewish State

Today, I published an article for We Are For Israel in which I talked about today’s article from Haaretz in which the PA leaders repeated their statement that they will “Never” recognize Israel as a Jewish state. You might want to … Continue reading

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A public service announcement about chain emails

Just in case my readers didn’t know this, I would like to state plainly and clearly so that there can be no misunderstanding: Passing along chain letters will not make you any money. Not now, not ever. An interesting fact … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Juvenile Scorn | 4 Comments