Tuesday international briefs

Holy crap! War in Korea again: First North Korea announces a brand-new nuclear plant, now it’s bombarding South Korea. Gee, you think there will be a UN resolution condemning this?

Stuxnet did NOT hurt us (ow!): Iran says the Stuxnet worm did no damage at all. None. Nothing. Nada. Those calls to Russian tech support? Just business as usual. In other news, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he has proof that aliens have landed on earth, and they’re Zionists. (And they want to destroy the world.) ((Of course.))

That famous Muslim tolerance: Christians are still being murdered in Iraq, and the Iraqi parliament is thinking about issuing a statement—in response to a Christian lawmaker shaming them publicly for their lack of action towards the tolerant Muslims in Iraq who are murdering Christians. He says that Iraqis should be protecting Christians, not allowing other nations to offer safe haven. Gee. Ya think? But of course, it’s Israel that gets slammed as the intolerant nation.

Palestinians find another way to avoid the talks: The PA is telling Israel that having the Israeli populace vote on any further withdrawals from disputed territories is—wait for it—a violation of “international law.” Yeah, that famous “international law,” the one that is applied to Israelis unequally. Hezbollah in violation of UNSCR 1701? Not a violation of international law. Israel passing a bill that will only go into effect if the Knesset doesn’t get a two-thirds majority vote on withdrawing from the Golan Heights and east Jerusalem? Violation, even though there’s not even a motion on the table for either action. Hey, I have no problem with democracy in action.

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2 Responses to Tuesday international briefs

  1. soccer dad says:

    You know last week Ortega invaded an island that had belonged to Costa Rica. The President said nothing. You think that Jong was paying attention?

  2. Licorne Negro says:

    Those wily jews… Don’t want peace… Just see. They want peace by democracy!
    The dorktatorships in the Middle-East are so more peaceful. :P

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