Monday briefs

Zionists are more awesome than anyone knew: Iranians are in another tizzy over another Star of David, this one on the roof of Iran Air, seen on Google Maps. It’s supposedly 30 years old, and may be a prank by the Israeli builders. Or maybe it’s just a concatenation of lines that make it look like a magen David, and the Iranians are getting their knickers in a twist over nothing. In any case, the Elders certainly owe someone a bonus. (Hat tip to about a dozen people, who have finally nagged me enough that I’m posting about this. Wild nut, whoever you are, was the one that got the final push.)

Hey, who’s up for apologizing to Turkey? Not Israel. That’s what Erdogan says it’s going to take to normalize relations. That, and “damages” for killing the jihadis who attacked the IDF. Not gonna happen. And so, in spite of the aid from Turkey in fighting the forest fire, things will go back to normal. They have to, because Erdogan’s popularity demands that he spit on Israel, which he does, with regularity. Hey, Turkey Boy, I have two words for you: Armenian genocide.

The fire’s out, now comes the firestorm: The fire is out, and Israel is thanking the foreign firefighters.

The 192 foreign aid members were awarded IAF medals and each of the delegations was given a special diploma from Air Force Commander Major-General Ido Nechushtan.

Nice. It’s really nice to see other nations helping Israel for a change, instead of just criticizing. And speaking of criticizing: Ismael Haniyeh is calling the fire Allah’s punishment on Israel. Asshole.

Oh, look: Allah’s punishing Lebanon, too: Say, Haniyeh, explain the cedars of Lebanon burning. What’s that? It’s not Allah’s punishment because they’re not Jews? I repeat: Asshole.

This entry was posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, Turkey, World. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Monday briefs

  1. Myackie says:

    “Oh, look: Allah’s punishing Lebanon, too” Ha!

  2. “Or maybe it’s just a concatenation of lines that make it look like a magen David, and the Iranians are getting their knickers in a twist over nothing.”

    Can I sound sinister here for a sec? OK:


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