It’s the lazy Saturday night open thread

And here’s your random kitty picture.

Gracie and Tig

Off to get the traditional Jewish Christmas dinner: Chinese food. Already saw the movie.

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4 Responses to It’s the lazy Saturday night open thread

  1. Pamela says:


    Thank you Meryl. Our 4 month old rescue kitty Gizmo went outside into the yard today and explored.
    Heard a cowbird, freaked and ran back inside to hide.

  2. Pamela, I’ve been in this condo for just over two years now, and I’ve been really paranoid that Tig was going to be in the garage when I go out, and either get run over, run away, or get hit by the garage door closing. So I’ve been really, really careful about making sure he’s out of my garage before I start the car.

    Well, tonight, he was in the garage, and I didn’t know it. I got in the car, went out for Chinese food, came back, opened the garage door with the remote, and saw Tigger running in fear towards the far end of the garage. I pulled in, stopped the car, closed the garage door, turned off the car, and then tried to stop laughing. Got out of the car and went to the door, Tig was yowling his “OHMIGODI’MDYING” howl/yowl of fear, I open the door, he jets through at 60mph, straight upstairs, heading, I presume, for under the bureau. I finally stop laughing and head upstairs. He’s tentatively waiting to see if I’m going to grab him and put him in the car. He decides I’m not, but boy, I’m not going to worry about him being in the garage ever again. He’s such a chickenshit, there’s no way I’m going to run him over, or he’s going to run out the garage door, or get hit by it. He’s going to look for somewhere to hide until it’s safe.

  3. Rahel says:

    Ahhh. Thank you, Meryl.

    Somehow I can see Tig stretching a forepaw toward Gracie’s side, and Gracie gearing up for a swat. “Watch it, young ‘un!”

  4. Yeah, it’s not quite like that. Last night, Tig decided that Auntie Gracie wanted to play. Auntie Gracie most decidedly did not. There was hissing, swatting, and laughter from me, because it’s pretty funny to watch him try to play with her. She runs away. So he thinks, “Woot! She’s playing!” and runs after her. That’s when the hissing and swatting occurs. And Tig never takes one hiss or one swat as a hint, so it keeps going for a bit.

    Poor Tig. That’s why I play with him so much, because Gracie won’t.

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