But it’s not Israel, so no one cares: The human rights group, EveryOne, has documented the kidnapping, ransom, and torture by Hamas of Eritrean refugees fleeing to Israel. This will be yet another human rights atrocity overlooked by the UNHRC, since Israelis aren’t involved.
Did you know? Three out of four Israelis are Jewish. How cool would it be to be in Israel for a major Jewish holiday? One of these days I’m going to make it for just that. I think I’ll try to come for one of the happy ones, though. Forget Yom Kippur.
Way to go, Stuxnet! The Iranian nuclear threat has receded somewhat, according to new data from Israel. They’re now three years away from getting a bomb. That’s the good news. The bad news? They’re still trying. And gee, the AP boilerplate has changed to reflect reality, at least in this article:
Israel considers Iran a strategic threat because of its nuclear program, missile capability and frequent references by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the destruction of Israel.
But wait! What’s this? The last paragraph in the same article:
Israel considers Iran its most dangerous enemy because of its nuclear program, missiles and calls for Israel’s destruction. Iran also supports the anti-Israel Hamas and Hezbollah militant groups.
Two boilerplates for the price of one!
Awesome if true: A Syrian arrested as an Israeli spy says the senior officer in charge of Syria’s nuclear program was a spy for the Mossad. Ah, the culture of bribery—way to make it work for you! Of course, that would explain how Israel knew so much about the Syrian nuclear plant before it was bombed.
More members of Religion of Peace™ peacefully plotting to kill infidels: Five terrorists were arrested before they could murder staffers at a Danish newspaper, probably the one that published the Mohammed cartoons. And they were drawn from a wide variety of Islamists: Tunisia, Iraq, and Lebanon were represented.
Israeli Double Standard Time: Funny, I don’t remember international coverage of the Palestinians declaring the death penalty for anyone who sells land to Jews. I don’t remember the international coverage of the Palestinians constantly insisting that not a single Jew will be allowed to live in the future state of Palestine. And yet, we now have international coverage of a letter from a group of rabbis’ wives urging Israeli women not to date Arabs. Yep. If it’s Jews, it’s news.
Wow. So sorry that some people take offense at hearing the truth about what happens to so many Jewish Israeli women who marry Arab men and go to live in their villages. Perhaps they might want to consider taking the time that they spend decrying those who tell the truth about it and help at least some of these women and their children. (By the way, I believe that the original Hebrew word in the article that was translated as “chased” ought to be translated, in my opinion, as “persecuted.”)
Meryl, if you come here for one of the holidays, make it Purim or Independence Day, when shops and restaurants are open. Everything shuts down for the serious holidays, and Passover is no different here than in the States.
And if you’d like to say hello to one of your readers, send me an e-mail, and I’ll give you my phone number to call when you get here.
Brachim habaim.
A high ranking spy in Syria? It wouldn’t be the first time.
This story may be relevant.
“If it’s Jews, it’s news.”
The first rhyme I learnt!
Too right about the double media standards. I was awoken this morning by the news report on the Rabbis’ wives’ letter, all the way down here in Australia, thanks to our government funded broadcaster.
Further, the Israelis’ statements are treated as major news stories even though no one is suggesting that Israeli women who date Arabs be killed or that Israelis who sell or rent real estate to Arabs be killed; Arabs who sell real estate to Israelis are, in fact, killed and have in any case committed crimes under Jordanian and PA law.
Why no one fusses about that, Meryl? Well, if I were a cynic I’d offer a suggestion but as a credulous and trusting soul I have to say that golly, I have no idea.
Stephen, at least you have Tom Paine down there, keeping some of Australia informed correctly.
Yom Kippur is an extraordinary day here. Not a car on the roads, deep quiet, lots of singing in all the local synagogues, kids on bicycles everywhere. In my synagogue, there’s a tremendous amount of singing and dancing, particularly at the end. And then everybody goes home to start getting ready for Sukkot, which is just a few days away.