Passover briefs

Nothing works quite like bullying and blackmail: The “Quartet,” which includes the U.S., says that if Netanyahu doesn’t come up with a peace plan, they may just recognize a Palestinian state without a deal. Say, that’s a great idea. Ask everything of Israel and nothing of the Palestinians. Have they stopped inciting against Israel? No. Do their textbooks still carry pictures of “Palestine” where Israel should be? Yes. Do they raise their children to slaughter Israeli babies? Yes. But absolutely, you should bully Israel for not wanting peace. Oh, and the peace plan of the quartet? Giving the Palestinians everything they want, including the Temple Mount.

But it’s Libya we’re bombing: Syria is firing on its people. Syria is clamping down on rebellion. Syria is the state most closely aligned with Iran, and the state that would do the most damage to Iran’s hegemony if it fell, and yet we’re bombing—Libya. Smart power!

Happy Passover Jews! Time to burn down your synagogue! The Greek anti-Semites are at it again. (They’re particularly vicious and nasty; this is nothing new for the so-called cradle of civilization.)

Israeli “intellectuals” prove that an education doesn’t make you smart: Several dozen Israeli “intellectuals” are calling for a Palestinian state on the 1949 Armistice lines. I presume that means giving the Temple Mount back to the Arabs. Because that worked so well before. It’s not like the Jordanians would take the headstones out of Jewish cemeteries and pave latrines with them. Oh. Wait. They did. I have two words for them: Joseph’s Tomb.

Egyptian Muslims: Dhimmis can’t rule us. The Muslim Brotherhood is protesting the appointment of a Christian Copt as governor in an Egyptian city. Why? Because they want a Muslim. A Copt, they say, won’t enforce sharia law. So, where do you figure Egypt’s 8 million Christians will wind up?

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2 Responses to Passover briefs

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Golly, Meryl, I’m confused. The Arabs insisted from the signing of the Rhodes agreement in 1949 that the area of Israel was not delineated by borders; the area merely marked cease-fire lines which for the moment the Arabs had agreed to observe, but when the time came to wipe out the Zionist entity they would be crossed and Israel extirpated.

    They maintained this consistently…no borders, the Zionist regime would not be recognized within any borders…the 1949 lines would be crossed when the time was right. And the Arabs adamantly insisted on this policy right up until something happened in 1967. But even after that the Arabs insisted they would not recognize any borders by and large. Egypt did agree to the borders with Sinai but I wait to see how that survies the next Egyptian government.

    Nor did the western powers say otherwise and the 1949 lines only became sacrosanct when it looked like Israel might go beyond them. Anybody else in the world, of course, you launch a few wars and lose them, you have to expect that you’re going to suffer some losses. But as usual, what you call “the Exception Clause” and I modestly maintain should be called “the Bensky Corollary to Everything” operates, so if you lose wars you suffer penalties except for Jews.

  2. Herschel says:

    After participating in the Passover seder service last night it dawned on me that after thousands of years, nothing has really changed, the service delineates it clearly in two areas.
    First, “in every generation some have arisen against us to annihilate us, but the most holy blessed be he, always delivered us out of their hands.”
    And secondly, the “wicked son,” we always will have the Chomskys and Norm Finkelsteins amongst us, ready to attempt to destroy us from within with their self loathing neorotic contempt for their ancestry.
    Sadly, hundreds of years from now, the seder words will still be relevent as new generations of anti-Semites, and “wicked son” capos come, and go.

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