Caturday birthday greetings

For Rahel. Happy birthday!

First, a rare twofer: Tig and Gracie sleeping on my bed.
Tig and Gracie

Next, Miss Gracie.

Now that the weather is warmer, Tig and I go out on the deck. Here he is getting freaked out by the top of my chair cover blowing off next to him.

All better! He survived. (Yes, he really is that big. Well, that tall, anyway. He has two inches of fluff standing out on either side. At least.)

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2 Responses to Caturday birthday greetings

  1. Rahel says:

    Meryl, thank you so much! Tig and Gracie brighten my day, my eyes and my mind! Please pet them and give them kitty hugs for me.

  2. Pamela says:

    A very merry birthday Rahel and Tig and Gracie kitty pics are the best present!

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