Israel v. Flotilla 2: Victory to Israel

Score one for the good guys. The flotidiots are giving up and heading for home.

Norwegian Gaza-bound flotilla activists are expected to hold a press conference Friday morning in Norway to announce their decision to retract and make their way back home.

Another press conference will be held Thursday in Sweden with some 20 Swedish representatives from the Gaza-bound flotilla.

The Nordic contingent is gone. What about North America?

Similarly, most of the 36 American passengers of the SS Audacity of Hope, which was prevented by Greek officials from sailing to the Gaza Strip on Friday, have already return home or are on their way back.

The Canadians have been turned back after leaving port without permission.

The Europeans?

Meanwhile, the Greek coastguard intercepted the small French boat “Dignitiy” with Pro-Palestinian activists aboard on Thursday, the third flotilla ship to be prevented from sailing to Gaza to challenge an Israeli blockade.

All together now: Awwwwww.

I remember worrying that Israel would suffer the same problems this year as last year. Now, I’m just in awe of the diplomatic and legal offensive that stopped the second Gaza flotilla from breaking the naval blockade. All hail Shurat HaDin for their monumental (and successful!) efforts. Hail and donate.

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One Response to Israel v. Flotilla 2: Victory to Israel

  1. floptilla is much better than flotidiots :)

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