Friday news roundup

The Floptilla continues: The fly-in is as much of a loser as Flotilla, the Sequel. So far, some have been arrested, many have been turned back, and dozens haven’t even gotten on flights thanks to a no-fly list sent around with their names on it. Say, by the way, flotidiots, thanks for putting all of your names on a website so it was easy for Israel to make up that list. H/T to Backseat Blogger for the word “floptilla.”

When even Ha’aretz says it, you know it’s true: The UN report says the blockade of Gaza is legal, and that Israel shouldn’t apologize to Turkey over the deaths of the Mavi Marmara terrorists. It also praised the Turkel Commission and blasted Turkey’s investigation. One has to ask: Did the UN really write this report? Of course, the usual charge of “excessive force” are used against Israel. But that’s a standard complaint. Israel’s critics consider the use of any force to be excessive, including self-defense.

Did someone say “excessive force”? The UN report, authored by a man who called the Israeli response to the border incursions “disproportionate force,” says that Israel used “excessive force” in turning back a violent invasion by non-citizens. Shocked, I am. I can’t believe the UN would think that Israel used excessive force and completely ignore the fact that Lebanese soldiers were firing directly at its own civilians, causing at least half the deaths. Or that the deaths on the Syrian side were due to “protesters” setting mines off with molotov cocktails. But hey, it’s the UN. I’m pretty sure if they could get away with it, they’d blame Sudan on Israel.

Open anti-Semitism at the UN: By a Jew, no less. Or at least, an assajew. So Richard Falk, the UN Human Rights Council “expert on Palestine” (seriously?) put an anti-Semitic, anti-American cartoon on his blog, and when called out on it, first denied it, then said he didn’t mean it, and oh yeah—he deleted the post. UN Watch kept a screenshot, though. Falk, who uses the excuse that having been pushed out of a Jewish womb makes him unable to hate the Jewish State or Jews, has no real problem using Jew-hating cartoons. Awesome. Hey, Dickie? You’re on the other side, stop pretending you care about being Jewish. Fire his ass. The U.S. is calling for just such a thing.

These guys are so competent, I don’t worry at all about terrorists: The DHS put Israel on a list of terrorist nations—by mistake. Great work, guys!

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