Hamas launches all-out rocket attacks

Hamas, the terrorist group that so many in the EU, the UN, and the U.S. insist that Israel is going to have to ultimately negotiate with, is sending barrages of rockets into Israel again.

Gaza terrorists launched an incessant rocket and mortar offensive at southern Israel Saturday, wounding at least 11 people across the region.

The barrages followed a declaration by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades – Hamas’ military wing – saying that its armistice with Israel was over.

And of course, the rockets damage Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Also Saturday, security forces confirmed that two rockets landed on the outskirts of Ashdod around 6 am. Three people – identified as illegal Palestinian aliens working in the local industrial area – suffered mild to serious injuries and were rushed to the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot. The Color Red alert sounded in the greater Ashdod area shortly beforehand.

Mahmoud Abbas, the man who would be president of the East Palestine statelet, has yet to condemn Friday’s terror attacks. Funny, that. You’d think a man interested in peace with Israel would want his former partners to also be interested in peace with Israel. Of course, the reality is that neither Fatah nor Hamas want peace. They want Israel—all of it—as part of their land of “Palestine.”

As for the media response to Hamas rocketing civilians: Well, I can’t find anything in the AP or Reuters. They’re too busy concentrating on the Egyptian ambassador being recalled because three Egyptians soldiers died in a shootout after the terrorist attacks. CNN is covering the attacks. But don’t worry. The world media will pick up the rocket attacks in a heartbeat after Israel bombs Gaza some more, and will then respond with the usual spokesliars’ lines about how many children Israel killed. Oh, and their names and ages will be published, unlike the victims of Arab terror attacks.

Just another day in the anti-Israel media.

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One Response to Hamas launches all-out rocket attacks

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Negotiate with them at the point of a rifle.

    Open pedantry:AP, and others, constantly use the word “barrage” to describe any attack by artillery or rockets on a target. It’s a bit annoying. Barrage actually has a technical meaning in military language. It refers to an artillery bombardment that moves ahead of the advancing ground troops. Thus a barrage would describe artillery firing ahead of advancing infantry, and the artillery would retarget further ahead of the infantry as the PBI advanced near the previous targets. The fire might be lifted on a schedule, say every ten minutes the fire lifted and retargeted two hundred yards ahead of the previous spot. The barrage was developed in WWI to support infantry attacking trench lines protected by cordons of barbed wire. I wish they would just use “bombardment” instead.:Close pedantry.

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