Yeah, how many of them are married to Arabs? Israel’s domestic violence is on the rise, and there’s a dirty little secret about intermarriage: Once a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Muslim, many of them are abused by their husbands, some murdered. The murder rate for women married to Muslim men is quite high.
So how’s that Arab Spring working out for you? The military is clamping down on military rule and killing civilians. Sound familiar? Why, it sounds just like it did before the world decided that Hosni Mubarak had to go, while not thinking of, say, forcing him to institute reforms that would keep the Muslim Brotherhood from taking over. Awesome job, world!
Revenge of the FB nerds: Now it’s 4.7 degrees of separation. Really? 4.7 degrees thanks to social media? Um, people, I have a little advice for you. Nobody, but nobody would have noticed if the the first press release on how closely linked people are talked about 4.7 degrees of separation. And I just love the shocking result of the FB study:
“We observed that while the entire world is only a few degrees away, a user’s friends are most likely to be of a similar age and come from the same country,” said Facebook.
And this month’s award for the keen grasp of the obvious goes to: Facebook.
So what else is new? The UN envoy blames Israel–and only Israel–for the failure of peace negotiations with the Palestinians. Yes, it’s all about building apartments in Jerusalem–excuse me, “settlements”–and not at all about Abbas’ refusal to sit down and negotiate. Or the missiles coming from Gaza. Yes, this is why we mock the UN on a regular basis here. Because it’s full of Israel-haters who stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and say “Lalala, I can’t HEAR you” when confronted with the truth as to why negotiations have broken down.