Wednesday briefly briefs

Awesome. Talk about grist for the ZOG mills: Israel’s Home Front Defense Minister says that the U.S. and Israel are on the same page regarding Iran. Well, when American Jews like Tom Friedman are using the Walt/Mearsheimer Israel Lobby tropes, I suppose I shouldn’t even bother worrying about a turn of phrase like this one. After all, he’s probably part of the Lobby that Bought and Paid For Congress–sorry, I mean Engineered their behavior towards Netanyahu. (Say, Tom Friedman, on this Festival of Lights, which commemorates Judaism surviving people like you, well, you suck.)

Oh, the heartbreak: Khaled Mashaal, the head of Hamas, is refusing to meet with Bashar al-Assad (known in these pages as The Dorktator). Yeah, stick a fork in him. He’s done.

Iranian sanctions: Duh, they’re working! Hezbullah is having trouble making ends meet. Iran is having trouble exporting oil. And things are still going kaboom. Could this be the beginning of the Persian spring?

Of course they did: Somehow, the UN Security Council always finds its voice when Israel is doing awful things like, oh, offering tenders for suburbs of Jerusalem that are going to stay in Israel in any agreement with the Palestinians. But they don’t seem to notice when rockets fall on Sderot. Go figure.

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