Israel Derangement Syndrome, in all of its glory

Really, can people be any more ridiculous on Israel?

Why yes, yes they can.

I often wonder why so many of its readers find the Morning Star so exasperating. Despite its condemnation of zionists (sic) it yet finds space to include an item in its daily quiz about Israel’s national bird.

Is the Star not aware there’s a cultural boycott going on?And then, despite it’s (sic) condemnation of the Bahrain Grand Prix and rightly so, it then goes on to tell us who won. For goodness sake comrades, get your act together.”

Really, you can’t make this stuff up. The Israel-haters are simply obsessed and deranged with all things Israel.

We’re living in your heads. Rent-free.

I do believe that means we win.

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