A writing update

Yes, I know. Most of you read this blog to hear about Israel and my take on the news. But sometimes, I post about my life, and at the moment, the most important thing in my life is my writing.

It’s very frustrating trying to get noticed as an Indie author, but I’m starting to see the pebbles roll a little further down the hill, and that, my friends, is a wonderful feeling.

It’s the little things here and there, like the rabbi’s wife, who bought copies of my book for each of her daughters, complaining that I was too hard on two of her favorite characters. She wouldn’t say that if they weren’t written well enough to make her attached to them. Or another reader telling me she admired my plotting and couldn’t figure out how I was going to get the hero out of the jam I’d put him in. Or a really nice review from one of the people who won the Goodreads giveaway (another one’s going on, go ahead, go for it).

I spent a few hours plotting out the whole series today. I need to have it all done before I can move forward in a big way with Book 2. It’s interesting to realize that by deciding I’m writing five books in the series, I’m setting up the next few years of my life. I’ve never planned my life before. I’ve always hated having too many plans. Don’t like to be tied down, I guess. But now I’m tying myself to four more books. And I really can’t wait to get to Book 5, because boy, have I planned a finale for the series.

I haven’t sold a lot of copies yet, but I’m feeling really good about my prospects. If you haven’t given the sample chapters a try yet, you should. I’m rather proud of it.

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