Thursday briefs

The culture of terrorism: Mahmoud Abbas said that kidnapping isn’t part of Palestinian culture. Yes it is, said Hamas.

Pass the popcorn: It’s terrorist on terrorist. Hezbullah has ordered Hamas out of Lebanon. Why? Because Hamas is backing the rebels against Bashar al-Assad, Hezbullah’s boy. I love it when Israel’s enemies fight.

More anti-Semitism from Europe: They just can’t stop hating on Jews, and when called on it, insist that the resemblance of their ugly caricatures to Jews was unintentional. Take a look at the cartoon, and tell me how the artist didn’t know he was creating Jews. It’s yet another anti-circumcision piece.

In an email sent to MIFF, a Norwegian pro-Israel organization, the cartoonist, Tomas Drefvelin, said he did not mean to draw Jews in his caricature, which he meant “not as criticism of either a specific religion or a nation [but] as a general criticism of religions.”

“I gave the people in the picture hats, and the man a beard, because this gives them a more religious character,” he added. “Jew-hatred is reprehensible. I would never draw to create hatred of a people, or against individuals.”

Right. Who wears beards and hats and circumsizes babies? Hm. Let’s think about that. Of course, if I were a Norwegian cartoonist and knew that hate speech laws in my country would get me in trouble, I’d lie, too.

Antisemitic attacks are up 30% in Europe. It’s becoming fashionable to hate on Jews publicly again.

Smart power! John Kerry actually said that the reason Israel isn’t anxious for peace talks with the Palestinians is because Israel is too prosperous. Damn those rich Jews and their money!

“I think there is an opportunity [for peace], but for many reasons it’s not on the tips of everyone’s tongue,” Kerry told reporters before entering a meeting with President Shimon Peres. “People in Israel aren’t waking up every day and wondering if tomorrow there will be peace because there is a sense of security and a sense of accomplishment and of prosperity.”

Got it? Israelis are comfortable, so they don’t care about peace. That’s exactly the line anti-Israel Time correspondent Karl Vick used last year. The Palestinians’ constant refusal to sit down and talk? Not relevant. The Palestinian refusal of a peace plan several times, last in 2008? Not relevant. What is relevant is that Israelis are too secure and prosperous.


Do they or don’t they? Assad says Syria has the S-300 missiles. Israel says they’re checking to see if that’s true. Here’s hoping it’s not, or the IDF really fell down on the job.

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Thursday briefs

  1. Tomas Drefvelin is disingenuous and apparently believes that we are going to be taken in by his dishonest or foolish excuse for the cartoon. Had he drawn a similar cartoon slamming Islamists there would have been a fatwa issued immediately. And for the paper to have printed the cartoon shows their arrogance.
    And then there is Alice Walker’s “advice” to Alicia Keys to cancel her concerts in Israel.
    As my mother Z”L (???) would have said, “This is a meshuganah velt!!!”
    I wonder what would befall Drefvelin and Walker were they to try to go to Saudi Arabia and spew their foolishness.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actuall, the only reason he used a hat and a baby boy being circumcised was to avoid the accusation of “Islamaphobia”. The only bloodthirsty religious people who circumcise are the Muslims (though Muslims would “circumcise” girl babies and let boys be 13 years old first).

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